Key Largo Comments

  • Gillian 2023-09-29 23:14:08

    Oh my goodness, John Huston is definitely not for me. However, the concept of tension within a house during storm is very fascinating, but could be a lot more interesting. The gangster's hedious look has triggered negative biological response, which degrades the...

  • Alvah 2023-09-27 19:12:09

    I didn't expect it to be a semi-indoor drama. Houston uses dialogue and close-ups to continuously cut in and accumulate emotions to create a good atmosphere. It's a pity that the indoor dialogue in the middle is too boring. Edward Robinson's villain gang is excellent. Bogart's three-shot burst at the end turned this character back Bacall is bleak and dull title translation can't...

  • Joey 2023-09-23 08:24:32

    An indoor scene in a storm, discussing the cowardice/braveness of men. The character creation has a strong sense of the stage, and what happens needs to be explained by the character. Bogart's role is not much, and the female supporting role is...

  • Carter 2023-08-31 18:38:14

    The star of the film is neither the Bogart couple who never acted as a couple, nor the wheelchair-bound Barrymore, but the little Edward G....

  • Jasmin 2023-08-26 11:27:45

    Bacall feels that the whole film is soy sauce, Edward Robinson plays well, Bogart swallows...

  • Rubye 2023-08-20 02:14:23

    The theme is a great theme, but if you speak too much, you will lose it; even when your thoughts are mature, it may not be different. It's just that the image is really tasteful, the sentiment is really tasteful, but everything that is just not pushed up and suddenly fifty is really tasteful, the stage and songs described by the language... is a drama, a good drama, and life is not as good as a drama. What a face. These...

  • Angie 2023-08-19 21:09:08

    The hidden dramatic tension in the enclosed space is just the forerunner of Hu Jinquan, and the ending of opening the window can be called the tail of a...

  • Fiona 2023-07-31 13:30:08

    The story is so...

  • Carson 2023-07-28 10:34:32

    This type of tension-creating in a limited space is just right to my mind, not to mention that the performances of the actors are so...

  • Rosemary 2023-07-26 08:14:16

    @sweetxz this this...

Extended Reading

Key Largo quotes

  • Johnny Rocco: After living in the USA for more than thirty-five years they called me an undesirable alien. Me. Johnny Rocco. Like I was a dirty Red or something!

  • Frank McCloud: One Rocco more or less isn't worth dying for!

Key Largo

Director: John Huston

Language: English,Italian Release date: July 31, 1948

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