Karnan Comments

  • Bell 2023-06-25 15:23:23

    At the beginning of the film, I thought it was a National Geographic documentary. From the contempt of the two villages, to the bus that ignited the war, and the reckless policeman on the line, the contradictions were out of control. It appears to be caste, but it is actually a legacy of intertwined institutional culture. To change, there is only revolution and sacrifice. Ten years after the end of the film is more like the director's idealistic vision. The metaphor of pigs, eagles, donkeys,...

  • Michale 2023-06-24 19:16:05

    Caste discrimination in India is more cruel than racial discrimination and ethnic discrimination anywhere in the world (after all, it belongs to the involution between the same color and the same ethnic group). However, what is even more tragic than caste discrimination is the servility of the low-caste villagers that has long been ingrained and deeply rooted in the bone marrow. Faced with the long-standing cruel system and hypocritical capitalist rule, the suffering Indians have long lost the...

  • Peter 2023-06-07 18:16:57

    The poor people have always been the same. How can I vaguely feel that if the Blue Party was in power, we would be like...

  • Kayden 2023-06-06 17:06:00

    India is really a diverse, mixed, amazing country. In the film, the Indian police do a lot of evil, and the poor have no basic dignity as human beings. Forced to resist, the sacrifice is huge. Kanan is a hero of self-help, the embodiment of justice. I don't know how much India has improved now. Thumbs up for this...

  • Eldon 2023-06-03 10:47:22

    The Indian police system is really unsightly, quite shocking and unimaginable film, lamenting the way of life and seeing the birth of this village legend, the dance of the male protagonist really jumps out of the meaning of life, neither humble nor arrogant, just like putting The rope of the mule is...

  • Newell 2023-05-31 12:50:40

    The prince and general Xiangning have a kind...

  • Valentin 2023-05-26 08:20:43

    It's so beautiful, I didn't blink the whole...

  • Ayden 2023-05-09 21:58:12

    Again based on true events. It feels that the caste system also has another effect: it makes it difficult for the Indian proletariat to have numerous subdivisions and contempt chains, and it is difficult to unite against their real enemies. Originally born from the same root, why is it too urgent to fry each...

  • Meredith 2023-05-09 01:10:22

    It's the third brother movie...

  • Roselyn 2023-04-28 04:16:18

    Wow! I have to admire that India has mastered the use of songs, dances and movies. It is rare to film the resistance to the...