Karnan Comments

  • Bernard 2023-09-23 09:04:36

    Strong religious overtones, lots of obscure metaphors and blatant satire! When he raised the knife and executed him, I finally relieved my anger! Ten years in exchange for peace in the village, it was worth it. I admire Asan's ability to make such a satirical film. This kind of film in China probably won't pass the trial. Who wants to be beaten and angry when they can live and work in peace and contentment? "Riot" or "Mob"? The demands of the people have been unable to be resolved, and justice...

  • Micaela 2023-08-15 15:30:08

    "They beat us, not because we smashed the bus, but because we stood up with our chests...

  • Letha 2023-08-09 04:42:35

    Where are the police in India, it's like a devil entering the village....

  • Bonnie 2023-07-25 13:40:26

    India is really a magical place, and this kind of movie can be made because it's more provocative than V for Vendetta and more dangerous than Joker. The film profoundly reflects the huge inequality brought about by the caste system in Indian society and the many problems caused by it. The diverse and complex classes, the chaotic and magical reality, are also mixed with countless gods and religions. Bizarre and colorful, magic realism is being staged all the time. Returning to the film, it is...

  • Lexie 2023-07-23 16:57:40

    More realistic, the oppressed situation at the bottom of India is like a feudal farming society and the western model of Indian power is very different. It is very lacking and does not violate the bus platform. It can cause the superiority and inferiority of the two villages and fights. It can only be said that the Indian society is really true. Very deformed. After all, there is no independence from blood. Democracy still retains the caste system. Personally, I think that unless there is a...

  • Isabel 2023-07-17 06:11:02

    If there is no tolerance, no integration, and no mutual respect, the contradiction between the various ethnic groups will lead to big...

  • Kelli 2023-07-15 20:07:11

    3.5, the Indian film is just too long, the compression will be much more, the single-threaded plot, I feel that it is not as good as Jay...

  • Alia 2023-07-14 03:29:11

    Okay, finally someone in Indian movies gets a kick out of being...

  • Daniella 2023-07-12 06:28:56

    The people watching are excited! Where there is injustice, there is...

  • Abe 2023-06-27 03:37:19

    Justice is never obtained by mercy, even if the revolution fails, it is...