Kahaani Comments

  • Brown 2022-01-03 08:02:05

    It’s very strong, when it comes to the flip story, the front is just ordinary Hollywood movies, and the shots are very good, selling warmth, selling suspenseful horses, and suddenly there is a reversal in the back. . . . Sure enough, it's a good Indian movie that doesn't sing. ....

  • Kareem 2022-01-03 08:02:05

    A high-quality suspense film made in India. There has been no such masterpiece in domestic films in recent...

  • Reagan 2022-01-03 08:02:05

    The story is really amazing, the plot is slightly flawed, and the action and character settings are...

  • Candice 2022-01-03 08:02:05

    My God, the Indian reasoning movie is amazing! Foreshadowing, hidden lines, and derivation are natural and reasonable. People deserve to be called brain burning and reversal. And I don’t understand why I don’t like characters. This appearance has already fascinated me, the male lead is also soft and cute, if you have a crush on the female lead, why is it not...

  • Godfrey 2022-01-03 08:02:05

    Also, it's quite unexpected, let me just say, this pregnant woman is too...