Jupiter's Legacy Comments

  • Melyssa 2023-03-09 13:09:32

    Fight first, then get superpowers, and get superpowers, then fight. Superhuman Scale Justice...

  • Gaetano 2023-01-18 07:58:46

    This is considered provocative. Before it was broadcast, I felt like I watched two episodes. Sure enough, the super British dc was the best in the last century. It was sold to Warner. It’s really a horse. It's Doctor Strange and the Scarlet Witch. Actually, I love Marvel's TV series even more. In June, there's also Loki in the superhero's weak stage. Pull back and wait for the love to die next...

  • Emmitt 2023-01-11 17:17:06

    The editing is too messy, the lines are too scattered, and as a result, everything I want to talk about is unclear. The special effects are ok, but the aesthetics of the uniform needs to be strengthened. It's a bit superfluous to recall that article when I was...

  • Bernhard 2023-01-08 20:44:14

    A score of 8 is not an exaggeration. There are really not many super-English films with a little connotation, which is quite...

  • Alan 2022-12-27 11:04:05

    Utopia's daughter is very...

  • Jacinthe 2022-12-21 05:55:55

    The two-line narrative is clumsily intertwined, and it is tiring and boring to watch for a long time. On this basis, it is a variety of magical changes to Mark Miller's original works. The story is infinitely delayed, resulting in a very stretched rhythm and no one cares about the empty content. The design of the hero's shape from comics to real people is simply fancy, ugly and distorted. The strong irony of reality and R-level audio-visual are inclined to DC style. Deconstructing the superhero...

  • Stan 2022-11-27 05:10:41

    7 points. It gets better after 2/3 episodes. The ending is a little weak. The story of how to get superpowers is a bit of a brain-opener. There's something wrong with Superman II. Looking forward to the second...

  • Colt 2022-11-19 22:09:27

    Netflix now has a lot of rubbish dramas with two-line narratives. I think I am very tall. In fact, the most basic rhythm of perception is very uncomfortable, and any country has...

  • Oswaldo 2022-11-12 16:40:23

    Did you think about the audience before investing in this film? ? The story of the parents' generation of superheroes saving the world as the main line is filmed for the...

  • Johnathan 2022-11-04 23:32:36

    Family affection, dogmatic stupid X anti-humanity drama, the drama directed by the White Madonna is really...

Jupiter's Legacy

Director: Charlotte Brändström, Steven S. DeKnight

Language: English Release date: May 7, 2021