Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond Comments

  • Maiya 2022-11-22 14:42:25

    twenty two. Some people say that Stephen Chow is the Hong Kong version of Jim Carrey. It is not. Jim Carrey is Jim Carrey. Stephen Chow is just Stephen...

  • John 2022-11-11 00:19:16

    I'll watch The Man on the...

  • Shirley 2022-09-15 00:59:10

    Jim Carrey's acting skills go beyond the concept of immersion. In addition to his strong empathy and memory, he even goes beyond the category of an actor. He is becoming a part of a person's life through movies, and his appearance through...

  • Armando 2022-09-11 21:21:55

    It took Netflix an hour and a half to perfectly show the magical relationship between two comedy masters, Kim Carey and Andy Kaufman. In the film, Kim Carey used his supernatural logic and viewpoints to prove to the audience that he has been successfully promoted! Still the same sentence: Can the Andy Kaufman of the year be perfectly restored to the big screen by Kim Carey's performance, and in the future, will anyone be able to "jump to the scene" of the current Kim...

  • Adeline 2022-08-15 19:30:13

    Jim Carrey has not been nominated for an Oscar performance so far. It is simply a great irony of the school's hypocrisy, whether great comedians see life so...

  • Raegan 2022-08-15 17:28:18

    Yes, he is the Jim Carrey I imagined, the kind of outstanding person out of...

  • Octavia 2022-08-15 16:21:00

    Geniuses are lunatics, so they are especially suitable for this type of...

  • Gerald 2022-08-15 14:18:47

    I can only say that after reading this, I am sure that Jim Carrey has become a...

  • Kaitlyn 2022-08-15 11:13:10

    "I know that guy." I don't laugh at most comedies, but real comedies, and comedy masters, cry at the first...

Extended Reading

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond quotes

  • Jim Carrey: Where did this character come from? What is the dirt that the pearl is built around? And the pearl is the personality that you build around yourself as a protection against that thought: "If they ever find out that I'm worthless, if they ever find out that I'm not enough, I'll be destroyed".

  • Jim Carrey: At some point when you create yourself to make it, you're going to have to either let that creation go and take a chance on being loved or hated for who you really are, or you're going to have to kill who you really are and fall into your grave grasping a character you never were.

Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond

Director: Chris Smith

Language: English,East-Greenlandic Release date: November 17, 2017