Jack Reacher: Never Go Back Comments

  • Kameron 2023-06-30 13:30:03

    Let me just say: Our official translators, did you collectively shit before work? But it's really gratifying. Today in 2016, there are still people shooting such a classic hero series with such seriousness. Tell stories, establish characters, and shape feelings in a down-to-earth manner. Did you know that when the movie ended in a crude one-on-one singles, Jack and the killer ended awkwardly and professionally, I almost burst into...

  • Michele 2023-06-13 07:09:49

    Nothing new. But the setting of the old-fashioned man Tom and a daughter is still a bit...

  • Concepcion 2023-06-03 23:55:01

    Low-profile version of Spy...

  • Duane 2023-05-31 14:30:19

    Basically satisfied with plagiarizing John Woo's face-changing plot, I had a hunch when I taught her...

  • Barry 2023-05-12 03:22:30

    Following the example of Pacebrandt's film, the power rating was done, and the result was a shameful...

  • Helmer 2023-04-18 20:25:41

    Thanks to the girl I've never met before for giving me the opportunity to watch the premiere, Brother Tang is really nice! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! What a nice bowl of soup! ! !...

  • Rocio 2023-04-16 07:18:00

    Fortunately, the deputy director has a lot of scenes and is handsome, otherwise he can't appease the injured heart. First time attending the...

  • Shaina 2023-03-30 08:21:00

    This film should be dedicated to all American service members and their families. The little girl is Reacher's childhood portrayal. Reacher more than once thinks of himself and his French mother as a military family and a Marine Corps father. The displaced life with the army, the wife of a veteran of New Orleans, and the two family officers who were killed in Afghanistan. And the gender banter of Turner is also a backdrop. Richard's original style is changeable, and it is difficult for fans of...

  • Sylvester 2023-03-26 08:43:39

    There are still a few bright spots in the script, such as the restaurant at the end. Susan is also valiant in it, and her movements are clean and neat. Tom was flat and cold...

  • Berneice 2023-03-25 05:53:18

    If the first one passes, this one will be considered a collapse. It is obviously a lone wolf character. This one has to match him with a daughter and a wife, which is really against the real world. It is obvious that the screenwriter can't make up the script. The sense of sight thrown to...

Extended Reading

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back quotes

  • Jack Reacher: Parasource is done. Harkness is in custody.

    The Hunter: Congratulations, Jack. I don't give a shit!

  • Jack Reacher: Never under-estimate the charm of a seedy motel.