Iron Jawed Angels Comments

  • Dusty 2022-12-05 13:34:58

    If anyone still questions the use of fighting for gender equality in legal rights, look no further than how reluctant and desperate men are to give women the same rights. They know very well what this means, and they have always benefited from these exclusive...

  • Lyda 2022-11-29 18:47:15

    True story...

  • Maurine 2022-11-28 12:53:30

    Every success is accompanied by struggle, the road to revolution is similar, no matter what, the world is getting better and better after...

  • Henderson 2022-10-28 08:29:41

    Only now did I realize that what I want is not to face everything quietly, but to be able to face everything with strength and calmness. In the face of difficulties, I should be firm, not hesitant; I should be strong, not hesitant. Should be an easy...

  • Marcus 2022-10-27 12:01:32

    The determination, sunshine and wildness in Temi Swank's eyes. The road to the feminist revolution is lonely, arduous, and long. I admire those feminists. While pursuing freedom, they have to endure all kinds of pain, obstacles, confrontation, and torture. Salute to them. Many things in our lives today are won by them. How terrifying the political struggle is, I'd better be a little girl with a little bit of feminism. The soundtrack of this film is not very...

  • Jeffrey 2022-10-23 01:00:05

    Never ever take anything for granted, for thousands of, generations of people have fought for it. Swank is so beautiful, I used this sonorous rose character for her face! ! ! ! ! ! Although she is a man's face when she is not looking at it with her hair. ....

  • Madonna 2022-10-22 23:48:37

    Women pioneers fighting for suffrage and true equality. HBO has made another biopic....

  • Conor 2022-10-20 12:32:54

    I can't imagine how they had the brains and perseverance to become revolutionary pioneers in 1920, when there were no women's human rights...Alice...

  • Alford 2022-10-14 16:11:39

    Happy heartache, no regrets -...

  • Hillard 2022-10-12 20:16:42

    Is there still such a person? There should still be....

Extended Reading

Iron Jawed Angels quotes

  • Alice Paul: We're legitimate citizens. We're taxed without representation. We're not allowed to serve on juries so we're not tried by our peers. It's unconscionable, not to mention unconstitutional. We don't make the laws but we have to obey them like children.

  • Inez Mulholland: Men plan. God laughs.

    Alice Paul: I'm not a man.

    Inez Mulholland: Ever wish you were?

    Alice Paul: Once, when I saw my brother peeing his name in the snow.