Inside Out Comments

  • Timothy 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    The little thing of moving was a mess in the mind of the 11-year-old girl. She was at a loss and was "mixed". Finally, she slowly learned to accept sadness, although it was a fat blue person who would never walk with her head down ( I think she’s so cute.) When all the memories are colored, they grow up a little bit. I was stunned by Pixar again, the boundless imagination and the details are 100% reasonable, the worst is that every step is so warm and...

  • Carmine 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Pixar used dazzling imagination to create a dreamy world full of fantasy adventures and metaphorical symbols, which perfectly fits the growth experience of a little girl who has experienced the pain of moving: everyone can more or less awaken part of their own childhood journey #主创说: The movie is dedicated to our children, please never grow up. #Additional #Ending eggs The black cat and Wang Xingren are too cruel!...

  • Jettie 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Very pleasantly surprised! Not only is the creative cow, but the result of the conflict in the details of the entire animation is completely in line with reality. The sacrifice of Imaginary friend brought Joy back to the control center, but he was forgotten in the abyss of memory. As we grow up, wouldn't our childhood imaginary friend be gradually forgotten? And Riley’s memory transformed from a single emotion into mixed feelings, that’s when you grow...

  • Antwan 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Just look at the poster, maybe the animated image is not so likable. But the whole movie is full of imagination, and it seems to give rationality to many thoughts and behaviors in our daily lives. This should be a cartoon for adults, and many sections will become more emotional when they grow...

  • Toney 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    A lot of negative reviews have said the same thing-their children don't like/understand this movie, I wonder why people always think that all animated movies are for children and are full of stupid humor? This is Pixar-a talented and passionate filmmaker! He knows that we all need to understand what we mean to see and feel our world. And this must be full of real, heartbreaking...

  • Eusebio 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Relive the series, Bing Bong still had tears when he fell from the Rainbow...

  • Garfield 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    Those childhood playmates and memories that were left in the abyss can really be retrieved sometimes with the help of...

  • Lenna 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    North American premiere (SIFF). It is completely daily material, many meta-cinematic introspective metaphors, Pixar's ingenuity has broken through itself, surprises and ingenuity are everywhere. The most important point: Emotions really matter and memory defines one's identity. Of course, the director himself is Gao Shuaiqian, very interesting. ....

  • Kristina 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    What is amazing is that the psychological concepts are presented in a very imaginative visual way: "emotions", "subconscious", "abstract thinking", "dreams", "memory", "personality" is easy for children Understand and accept, the adults smile knowingly. I can't find that animation company that can make "teaching" so interesting and vivid. I also sigh again that human creative thinking and sense of humor are an insurmountable barrier for...

  • Newell 2022-03-22 09:01:12

    The second half looks good. The little pink elephant was crying the moment it disappeared. It turned the abstract childhood disappearance into such a meticulous and tender image. The whole film reached this height with only two plots. The second is the brain of the cat at the...

Extended Reading

Inside Out quotes

  • Cool Girl's Emotions: Being cool is exhausting.

  • [as Riley lies in her sleeping bag, a truck loudly drive by outside. The headlights can be seen shining through the room. Riley hides under the sleeping bag in fear]

    Fear: What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!

    Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco!

    Anger: I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.

    Fear: Oh, I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shot!

    Disgust: Ew, I don't want to hear about your nerves!

    Anger: I'll tell you what it is. This move has been a bust.

    Fear: That's what I've been telling you guys! There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now!

    Disgust: The smell alone is enough to make her gag.

    Anger: I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here!

    Joy: Look, I get it. You guys have concerns. But we've been through worse! Tell you what: let's make a list of all the things Riley should be HAPPY about!

    Anger: Fine. Let's see... this house stinks, our room stinks...

    Disgust: Pizza is weird here...

    Sadness: Our friends are back home...

    Fear: And all of our stuff is in the missing van!

    Joy: Oh c'mon, it could be worse...

    Disgust: Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on the dirty floor. In a bag.

    Joy: Okay, I admit it, we had a rough start. But think of all the good things that...

    Anger: No, Joy. There's absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now. Let us handle this.

    Fear: I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.

    Disgust: We have no clean clothes. I mean, no one should see us.

    Sadness: Yeah, we could cry until we can't breathe.

    Anger: We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It's a good one!

Inside Out

Director: Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen

Language: English,Portuguese Release date: June 19, 2015