Inside Out Comments

  • Hank 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    It is especially suitable for children to watch, and it can help children learn to experience and confirm their emotions. Riley has a few more character islands after the collapse of the inner world and the rescue of the villain, which is a great plot. In the process, it also helps children realize that sadness is an indispensable emotion, and don't have to be too...

  • Edwin 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    A story similar to "Toy Story", crying and waving goodbye to the...

  • Gennaro 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    I want to give ten stars. The creativity is unparalleled. This exquisite and unique design alone is enough to become a good animation, but Pixar is much more than that. Pixar actually took each audience through a growth. From childhood happiness to sudden panic, naive thinking and helpless confusion, I understand every emotion and every behavior in the movie. That little girl is us. Sadness, you made us cry...

  • Geoffrey 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    Old people just can't watch this kind of animation, it's easy to see tears running. Speaking plainly and profoundly, do you remember the cost of growth? The part of "Ping Pong" struggling to fly up the homemade rocket is like many "memories" that you don't want to be forgotten, but after all, they are still...

  • Maxwell 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    While still cheering for the domestically produced picture quality, Pixar has been impeccable in terms of...

  • Kayden 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    Such a warm and imaginative interpretation of forgetting and loss, singing loudly and driving the rainbow car to the sky is the moment of tears. "Sadness" is the long-term chief in my mind, "Joy" always crawls back to the headquarters before dawn, recalling the moment when many islands collapsed. I want to pay tribute to all the trivial storms I have experienced, thank you for this blue and...

  • Ruth 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    Every child who has experienced growth pains will understand that only by turning the memories of the past from happiness to sadness, can they look forward to the future and face the future bravely. Before I knew it, I shed tears, because all I saw in the animation was myself. Extraordinary imagination is unparalleled originality, and it is predicted that the best animation of the 88th Oscar has been locked. I really like the harmless look of sorrow and grievance. Forgetting ping-pong means...

  • Braulio 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    Unusual story unfolds, I especially like this film's interpretation of the role emotions play in growth. The movie itself is also the perfect balance of bittersweet, which makes people feel deeply in the laughter and cry. In addition, the setting of the memory ball in inside out is suspected of severely plagiarizing the ancient game Zuma. As Zuma’s mascot, I should make solemn representations to...

  • Nadia 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    Hahaha is a cartoon that solves all my growth...

  • Clovis 2022-03-23 09:01:15

    I like the script of Pixar's computer special effects animation, but this film involves the knowledge of the brain, nervous system and psychology. I don’t know if the children can understand Joy. Even Bing-bong has abandoned himself and dragged Sadness in the long-term. I can’t help but feel the way to find the headquarters in my...

Extended Reading

Inside Out quotes

  • Cool Girl's Emotions: Being cool is exhausting.

  • [as Riley lies in her sleeping bag, a truck loudly drive by outside. The headlights can be seen shining through the room. Riley hides under the sleeping bag in fear]

    Fear: What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!

    Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco!

    Anger: I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.

    Fear: Oh, I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shot!

    Disgust: Ew, I don't want to hear about your nerves!

    Anger: I'll tell you what it is. This move has been a bust.

    Fear: That's what I've been telling you guys! There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now!

    Disgust: The smell alone is enough to make her gag.

    Anger: I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here!

    Joy: Look, I get it. You guys have concerns. But we've been through worse! Tell you what: let's make a list of all the things Riley should be HAPPY about!

    Anger: Fine. Let's see... this house stinks, our room stinks...

    Disgust: Pizza is weird here...

    Sadness: Our friends are back home...

    Fear: And all of our stuff is in the missing van!

    Joy: Oh c'mon, it could be worse...

    Disgust: Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on the dirty floor. In a bag.

    Joy: Okay, I admit it, we had a rough start. But think of all the good things that...

    Anger: No, Joy. There's absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now. Let us handle this.

    Fear: I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.

    Disgust: We have no clean clothes. I mean, no one should see us.

    Sadness: Yeah, we could cry until we can't breathe.

    Anger: We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It's a good one!