Inside Out Comments

  • Eloisa 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    The idea is awesome, especially the abstract thinking section, the police on Yunduo Street laughed! It’s a pity that bingbong didn’t respond at the end, Take her to the moon for me, OK?...

  • Oliver 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Unspeakable great...

  • Colton 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Expressing the flow of consciousness and brain storms with concrete entities, full of creativity, tears of cuteness; we must love every ordinary selves, there are thousands of villains in the body and brain memory that help us to tide over the difficulties; We all think that happiness is the pursuit of goals, but sadness is the opportunity for growth; we all think that some people will always remember some things, but in fact, many times there is no chance to say...

  • Krystal 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    I went to the midnight show last night. There was only national match. I didn’t expect it to be equally good. Different emotions correspond to different colors. There are buildings in different brain regions. Each building faces different colors. This story is about color, subconscious and Psychologically, it is very brilliant. These seemingly mysterious things eventually become a means of narration, which is simplified to tell a touching story for the whole family. Color is a common instinct...

  • Alphonso 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    When happiness was not at home that day, everything changed; what is growing up, happiness also makes people...

  • Jeromy 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    #2015年十佳# This is "Film as Brain"! ! With [Puppet Life][Red Pepper][The Eternal Sunshine of the Beautiful Heart][Pirate Dream Space] the latest movie concept. Of course it’s not a big deal (but [five centimeters per second] is not a big deal...), it’s just an unbreakable feeling of growth, but the film critics cried down. I think I cried twice. BingBong was too abused. The family section is too...

  • Brice 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Lying down and...

  • Kacie 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    A masterpiece, completely Western-style personality view, but it is in line with the Chinese tradition of "five emotions and harmony". Continuing the exploration of the detective, Pan Shen, etc., has pushed the way of expressing the heart with images to a new level. The display of imagination, reason, memory and subconsciousness is entirely a Western academic history. What's rare is that it can be fresh, natural and touching. In other words, this setting has the potential to be made into any...

  • Earl 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    Probably the expectations were too high before, and I was a little disappointed. The film is very good-looking, many touching and childlike-but it can only be regarded as a mid-stream work in Pixar. The creativity is five-star, the story is three-star, the layout is too small, the touch is superficial, the expression is relatively shallow-the main tear point is memory. This film is not only creative, but also shows the complex brain operation mechanism on the screen, the other is Pixar's normal...

  • Sid 2022-03-24 09:01:15

    Too young and a bit boring...The biggest highlight is the small theater in the cat's...

Extended Reading

Inside Out quotes

  • Cool Girl's Emotions: Being cool is exhausting.

  • [as Riley lies in her sleeping bag, a truck loudly drive by outside. The headlights can be seen shining through the room. Riley hides under the sleeping bag in fear]

    Fear: What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!

    Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco!

    Anger: I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.

    Fear: Oh, I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shot!

    Disgust: Ew, I don't want to hear about your nerves!

    Anger: I'll tell you what it is. This move has been a bust.

    Fear: That's what I've been telling you guys! There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now!

    Disgust: The smell alone is enough to make her gag.

    Anger: I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here!

    Joy: Look, I get it. You guys have concerns. But we've been through worse! Tell you what: let's make a list of all the things Riley should be HAPPY about!

    Anger: Fine. Let's see... this house stinks, our room stinks...

    Disgust: Pizza is weird here...

    Sadness: Our friends are back home...

    Fear: And all of our stuff is in the missing van!

    Joy: Oh c'mon, it could be worse...

    Disgust: Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on the dirty floor. In a bag.

    Joy: Okay, I admit it, we had a rough start. But think of all the good things that...

    Anger: No, Joy. There's absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now. Let us handle this.

    Fear: I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.

    Disgust: We have no clean clothes. I mean, no one should see us.

    Sadness: Yeah, we could cry until we can't breathe.

    Anger: We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It's a good one!