Inside Out Comments

  • Frieda 2023-09-17 08:54:11

    The Amazing Pixar is finally back with the best work since Wall-E! The mysterious and complex brain operation principle is vividly and delicately expressed with anthropomorphic techniques. The dreamy emotional villain and the setting of the theme park in the brain are amazing. Let the audience's emotions fluctuate and laugh with the plot, and let the audience unknowingly substitute into their childhood, touching the precious memories in the dusty heart. BingBong made me cry to tears. Pixar is...

  • Glennie 2023-09-16 04:29:16

    We struggle to find happiness, only to find that we still have to learn to be friends with sadness. Great themes, and the shots are...

  • Samara 2023-09-12 04:29:52

    9/10. When imagining friends jumping off the rainbow car and being forgotten forever, it made me realize that growing up in goodbye comes at the cost of labor pains. This kind of character relationship is set up like workplace decision-making management, and it is presented with interesting details and memory fragments. The house of cards is built and then collapsed, the town of Yunduo is disbanded when it blows, brainwashing advertisement songs sent at any time, duplication of handsome guys to...

  • Buster 2023-08-17 23:38:42

    Just tearjerker. Children over the age of 10 can probably understand that preschool children are not suitable. In fact, it is more suitable for parents with children, not only to reflect on their childhood growth experience, but also to reflect on their attitude towards their children. Very very worth...

  • Rosalee 2023-08-09 13:01:37

    Finally went to see it! Imagination is invincible! Subconscious - dream - forgetting - long-term memory - core memory - abstract memory. So...

  • Clotilde 2023-07-26 06:50:26

    One of the best cartoons of 2015 (tied with Song of the Sea)! 1. Full of creativity, full of imagination, and the visualization of emotions, memories, dreams, and thinking mechanisms is unforgettable. 2. Happiness tends to give up the mastery as it grows up, and childhood memories that are stained with sadness eventually become mixed and fragrant for a long time. 3. Memory ball, personality island, cleaner, dream studio, subconscious prison, forgotten abyss, abstract thinking two-dimensional....

  • Parker 2023-07-25 13:44:16

    What a great imagination, what a moving...

  • Ephraim 2023-07-23 20:20:41

    I didn't leave after the end of the play, and the subtitle at the end raised a sentence "Dedicated to our children, please never grow up", family island, family island. Pixar's creativity is so unbelievable. The multiple boosts and conflicts of emotions push out the actions of the protagonist rationally. What is rare is that each emotion is full of humor and does not hinder the...

  • Percival 2023-06-11 11:31:58

    metaphor. Stories at the structural level of consciousness. On the importance of depression...

  • Ericka 2023-05-31 08:05:27

    Delicate plot, rich imagination and solid scientific theoretical...

Extended Reading

Inside Out quotes

  • Cool Girl's Emotions: Being cool is exhausting.

  • [as Riley lies in her sleeping bag, a truck loudly drive by outside. The headlights can be seen shining through the room. Riley hides under the sleeping bag in fear]

    Fear: What was that? Was it a bear? It's a bear!

    Disgust: There are no bears in San Francisco!

    Anger: I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.

    Fear: Oh, I'm so jumpy, my nerves are shot!

    Disgust: Ew, I don't want to hear about your nerves!

    Anger: I'll tell you what it is. This move has been a bust.

    Fear: That's what I've been telling you guys! There are at least 37 things for Riley to be scared of right now!

    Disgust: The smell alone is enough to make her gag.

    Anger: I can't believe Mom and Dad moved us here!

    Joy: Look, I get it. You guys have concerns. But we've been through worse! Tell you what: let's make a list of all the things Riley should be HAPPY about!

    Anger: Fine. Let's see... this house stinks, our room stinks...

    Disgust: Pizza is weird here...

    Sadness: Our friends are back home...

    Fear: And all of our stuff is in the missing van!

    Joy: Oh c'mon, it could be worse...

    Disgust: Yeah, Joy. We could be lying on the dirty floor. In a bag.

    Joy: Okay, I admit it, we had a rough start. But think of all the good things that...

    Anger: No, Joy. There's absolutely no reason for Riley to be happy right now. Let us handle this.

    Fear: I say we skip school tomorrow and lock ourselves in the bedroom.

    Disgust: We have no clean clothes. I mean, no one should see us.

    Sadness: Yeah, we could cry until we can't breathe.

    Anger: We should lock the door and scream that curse word we know. It's a good one!

Inside Out

Director: Pete Docter, Ronnie Del Carmen

Language: English,Portuguese Release date: June 19, 2015