In Your Eyes Comments

  • Roxanne 2022-12-17 05:26:23

    The point of laughter is that - you're in the future! - no I'm in a different time zone. And the relationship between the two of them also laughed sorry. Anyway, young couples can always come together. The biggest anxiety in the whole process is to ask what the plan is to make a living. Some ideas are difficult to control when they are old. However, the similar "Her" did not feel how romantic the love with artificial intelligence was at the...

  • Kole 2022-11-01 14:47:32

    Ahhh, it's so sweet! The first forty minutes is so sweet that all sugar intake quota has been used up! Zoe is so cute! The male protagonist is great too! www. The soundtrack is also nice! !...

  • Jordi 2022-10-28 10:09:14

    The dark theme of the film is Hashi's pursuit of love and the search for his inner self. Changed the way and the shell. It should have been made more fantasy-like. The current ending completely turns the film into a fantasy theme. Pulled down a...

  • Emmie 2022-10-13 20:44:13

    I just want to say something very important: the male protagonist is so handsome in every picture, which has seriously interfered with people to control the...

  • Reginald 2022-10-12 21:30:13

    Although the idea is good, the plot is really deep. Although your name is more vulgar than this one, it is at least fresh and...

  • Asa 2022-10-07 07:39:27

    1st place in the Top Ten Individuals in 2014: Impeccable, although the romance is unrealistic, isn't the movie a dream factory? In the end, I was in tears. Who doesn't want to have a good understanding between the two... In addition, the male protagonist is handsome and I'm all...

  • Haley 2022-09-23 02:26:03

    Joss Whedon's small and fresh love drama written by Joss Whedon certainly does not take the usual path. The setting is very interesting. The first half of the film is very emotional, but it is a pity that the second half goes to the cliché and ruins the atmosphere created, which is a...

  • Vicenta 2022-09-10 16:59:27

    dislike. After reading the sugar in front, the back is like chewing wax. She also suffers from phobia of women. If she has to turn her husband into such a black face in the end, the previous concern that the heroine said doesn't need to exist at all. It's just nothing without work and life. How can such a heroine who has no thoughts of her own, is pampered, brings negative energy to others every day, hurts her husband and hurts her lover, how can she be happy! ? It's really...

  • Leo 2022-06-01 19:47:56

    Jos Weeden’s creativity in this sci-fi romance film is very interesting, of course it’s just that it’s just interesting, but he also saw an eye-opening sex scene, just like the magical sex in [her], the final action scene. Let me prove once again that the director of the tail light is suitable for writing action scenes, and the small fresh love scenes are actually quite mediocre....

  • Leonel 2022-06-01 19:18:49

    It's true romance, but fake love. The sequel should be: When two people find that their lives are always being monitored by another person and can never have a personal privacy space (yes, no matter how much love you need, space), they go crazy and eventually kill each other....

Extended Reading

In Your Eyes quotes

  • Rebecca Porter: I don't like Dr. Maynard. He always looks at me like he's trying to guess my weight.

  • Rebecca Porter: Sometimes... Sometimes you just look at everything and it's all just different. Do you know?

    Phillip Porter: Yeah, I know. They call that puberty.

In Your Eyes

Director: Brin Hill

Language: English Release date: April 20, 2014