In This World Comments

  • Claude 2022-03-22 09:02:52

    The stumbles in the documentary are all real, and it makes me a little uncomfortable to think about it. Is it inevitable to have such a thorny life in every piece of...

  • Karson 2022-03-22 09:02:52

    A documentary filmed the story of an Afghan teenager who smuggled to the United States and experienced repatriation to death during his journey from a yellow desert to colorful...

  • Lorine 2022-03-22 09:02:52

    It was very sad to see me, but my father felt that it was too objective and documentary and lost his emotional...

  • Fletcher 2022-03-22 09:02:52

    The semi-documentary film is about the smuggling of a 16-year-old child from Pakistan to the UK in Peshawar,...

  • Mozelle 2022-03-22 09:02:52

    It is very important for Afghan teenagers to travel to Europe to learn a foreign...

  • Johnathan 2022-03-22 09:02:52

    It was so realistic that I thought it was a documentary at first. Two children smuggled to the UK from Afghanistan, the kind of courage to live a good life despite the difficulties and...

  • Stanford 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    The great journey for survival is...

  • Leonard 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    Why has no one seen this film??? I can understand the English they speak... The last Paris (did I remember it wrong?) is not as bright as I imagined, but has the same yellowing as the desert. Dirty colors... what dreams are like, we don't...

  • Desiree 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    The 2003 Berlin Golden Bear Film tells the story of a young Afghan boy living in a refugee camp in Peshawar who smuggled to London through Iran, Turkey and France in order to make a living. Starring real refugees, filmed on DV, documentary style. If all factors such as race, region, language, and belief are stripped away: human nature is always human nature, and people always have hope to support themselves in life, even in a place where they have never...

  • Jewell 2022-03-21 09:03:17

    When we are used to complaining, we don't know that we are actually much happier than many...

Extended Reading

In This World quotes

  • Jamal: [on phone] This is Jamal, calling from London. Yes... yes, I got to London. Enayat? He's not here. He's not in this world.