I'm Thinking of Ending Things Comments

  • Angela 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    Maybe pretty people suffer too, I don't...

  • Moriah 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    We are still, time passes through us like a cold wind, through the past and future of our parents, through the sea of ​​books and countless jumping names. Remembered and forgotten, young and old, acceptance and rejection of self, the woman who wants to leave and the man who wants to stay. The meaningless muttering was crushed to pieces, and after everything melted, only the wind...

  • Reginald 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    The discussion about the basement at the 30th minute of the film finally made me feel a bit embarrassing and interesting. The whole movie is the reincarnation and hypnosis of consciousness and time. The story happened beyond the specific environment, and the whole seemed weird. It may be the most suitable movie to talk to yourself during the epidemic lockdown. im totally lost but still feel good about...

  • Pearlie 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    Seeing Frederick’s "A Lone Monk by the Sea" hanging in the living room of Jake's house, the sea fog in the painting turned into heavy snow in the film. Zong Baihua quoted this painting in "A Walk in Aesthetics" to explain that both Western painters and Chinese painters have a love for endless space, and what he said in Chinese painting "sees the infinity in the finite, and returns to the finite in the infinite". With universal applicability, what is the difference between Wang Wei's "Thousands...

  • Garrick 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    The falling snow, empty lanes, and several encounters at different times, those fears about aging, loneliness, and identity are coming in bursts—before I am convinced that I have not understood all the stories, I want to In the quilt in the winter, relive it. Lovers on the verge of collapse and dreamlike movie imagination (about 50 minutes of "Robert Zemeckis"!) or light dance alternately, and it is also wrapped in a suspenseful original coat that seems to be decrypted and brought into the...

  • Kamron 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    I honestly, really...

  • Kaylie 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    The story of your life is mine. It was not thick enough to witness such a turbulent. An old man revisited and compensated in his memories, but the past deduction had to be endured by himself in hysterics and futile. Stopping on this day, experiencing the wind and snow of time, reveals the reason and the stubbornness of love and harmony in the years. Charlie Kaufman’s intracranial brain waves, in the ups and downs, are pitying talks about human beings, why they met, why they separated, why they...

  • Nannie 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    This is the most brain-burning of the month. The science-style brain-burning can at least be solved by formulas, such as "Creed", and the liberal arts-style brain-burning can only rely on feelings, such as this one. Under the distorted and weird appearance is actually a dying memory of the protagonist. The twilight self, the young self, and the ideal self (female protagonist) are personal tragedies torn apart by the triple personality of self, superego, and...

  • Hugh 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    My eyes didn’t move, but the movie was finished before my...

  • Shaun 2022-01-05 08:01:59

    Everything seemed to be a mistake, but it wasn't until the mistake was unavoidable that I realized that my heart was so weak and lonely. Everything seemed to be over long ago, but it wasn't until I had nothing to rely on before I realized that I was on a road that I couldn't turn back. We traveled through the wind and snow full of piousness, surrounded by white and quiet, friendly and enthusiastic partners. However, when the dawn came, we were shocked to be surrounded by mud, wind gusts in...

Extended Reading

I'm Thinking of Ending Things quotes

  • The Voice: It's not bad, once you stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're just a pig, or, even worse, a pig infested with maggots. Someone has to be a pig infested with maggots, right? It might as well be you. It's the luck of the draw. You play the hand you're dealt. You make lemonade. You... you move on. You don't worry about a thing.

  • Young Woman: Anything an environment makes you feel is about you, not the environment, right?