I'm Thinking of Ending Things Comments

  • Enid 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Stream of consciousness movies. There are many real and virtual characters who have lived their entire lives in my head. PS Whenever I think the movie is interesting, the long and free dialogue pulls me back to the boring zone. On the degree of unfriendliness to the audience, Kaufman and Nolan have a good...

  • Crystal 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    The ultimate competition of movie screenwriters is "Tao". It depends on who's way of thinking, perspective of the world, and insight into the essence of human nature. Once you figure it out, "art" is not so...

  • Allen 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Kaufman does not represent time, memory and aging per se, but tells a story about time, memory and aging that is fascinating enough in an age where the tradition of storytelling has been...

  • Curtis 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    She puts on red and orange clothes to fight the coldness of the world, she asks all kinds of questions, pretends to be curious, is interested in everything, she grins hard, tries to hypnotize herself, it's fine, she's screaming and hesitating in her heart Struggling—everything to face later leaves her tired, lonely, and insecure. She looked out of the car, just wanting to end it all, so her thoughts were chaotic like snow in the sky, scattered everywhere, and there was nowhere to put...

  • Nellie 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    How to eliminate the "Kurishov effect" that appeared at the beginning of the film? For Kaufman, the answer is that as a virtual brain-image, the non-existence of the other is discovered in the encounter of the other, thereby invalidating the front/reverse fight of the subject-object dichotomy, just like the rotation seen by the heroine in the basement The washing machine, the main body moves towards the "object", but it is finally incorporated into another main body in a tree-like manner. In "I...

  • Ronny 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Is it because the mention of "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" in the film made me think that way? I think it is the superposition of Kaufman and David Foster Wallace temperament, double the loneliness, double the alcoholic fragment-style thriller. What's more interesting is that the look and feel of this movie seems to be a bit gendered, the men around (if you watch it) will feel personally offended (not all bad meanings), and the women in the film are a shadow, a real ghost, like...

  • Cathrine 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    It's too good for my taste. Such a mourning name, suitable for such a mourning...

  • Era 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    Reciting the poem "Bone Dog" and returning home in despair, the rabies virus damages nerve endings only for its own reproduction, just as a bad movie needs to take root in the audience's brain, so the name of Jimmy, who keeps throwing hair, is engraved on the ashes of the bookshelf ;Follow the Queen of Ice Cream Town to dream of singing and dancing life in a soap opera-like teaching building, and finally live as a pig with maggots in the cruel farm; You are the reason for my existence, but you...

  • Francisca 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    Reciting the poem "Bone Dog" and returning home in despair, the rabies virus damages nerve endings only for its own reproduction, just as a bad movie needs to take root in the audience's brain, so the name of Jimmy, who keeps throwing hair, is engraved on the ashes of the bookshelf ;Follow the Queen of Ice Cream Town to dream of singing and dancing life in a soap opera-like teaching building, and finally live as a pig with maggots in the cruel farm; You are the reason for my existence, but you...

  • Earnestine 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    4.5, the top ten of 2020. Both Nolan and Kaufman have made works about "time". The interesting thing is: Nolan wants to make 007, and there are similar places in Creed. Kaufman has prepared a musical before (Kaufman said that this is his last It was a director's work, so that work should have died prematurely), this one uses the elements of singing and dancing, and the two of them have a certain meaning. The whole movie is like a cold wind blowing on the face, and the front is like the...

Extended Reading

I'm Thinking of Ending Things quotes

  • The Voice: It's not bad, once you stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're just a pig, or, even worse, a pig infested with maggots. Someone has to be a pig infested with maggots, right? It might as well be you. It's the luck of the draw. You play the hand you're dealt. You make lemonade. You... you move on. You don't worry about a thing.

  • Young Woman: Anything an environment makes you feel is about you, not the environment, right?