I'm Thinking of Ending Things Comments

  • Ludwig 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    4.5 stars. I am the gust of wind, through the snowy night, through the lonely vehicle, through the farmhouse, through our parents, through our past, through our present, through our future . The anxiety and fear of time, aging, and loneliness came to me from the screen one after another, with goosebumps all over my body. But the amount of information is too much, and I did not fully understand it. It is suitable to turn off the lights and revisit it in the...

  • Bell 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    1. COMPLETE AUTHOR MOVIES. It can be said that this is an essay by Kaufman. Like the "eyes like X-rays" written in "Bone Dog", he slowly told us all his worries about the current society. The story line is like what the heroine said, "People like to think of themselves as the point of time, but I think the opposite is true. We are still, and it is time that passes through us like a cold wind. And tonight, I feel like I am That gust of wind" 2. "It's like a dream, but I'm still very moved when I...

  • Mason 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    We are the aggregate of everything we have read/seen, sincere without...

  • Andrew 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    Twenty minutes of driving with Jesse Plemons in the snow, and twenty minutes of dinner at the same house with Toni Collette. Then something strange happened. It's like having Robert Pattinson talk about Twilight in the creed - the Production Value of the actor's own starring experience, Jesse Plemons is obviously trying to remind people of the American TV series Frozen, and Toni Collette is obviously trying to make People are linked to genetic doom. Strange things can be explained by visual...

  • Jettie 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    Wonderful enough to be speechless, at the end of the summer, the endless snowstorms in the whole film are as piercing as being there. Charlie Kaufman contributed the first post-coronavirus film to condense this increasingly cold world and the shrinking human beings in it. Embarrassment, anxiety, loneliness, absurdity and nothingness, attached to the road, the room, the snow, and the silent moments between crying and laughing, turned into a flowing spectacle, and seemed to be a conscious world...

  • Abby 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    I survived until I was on the verge of death. My pupils gradually disintegrated into countless pieces of broken glass. Each piece was imprinted with memories of a person. Scattered in this "white and really clean land." , C, D is ABCD, but if you look at it carefully, it comes from countless cells and will decompose into countless dusts. You can't choose to come, but you can choose to give up death, which is the ultimate proposition of...

  • Ethel 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    What was that? Was that stream of...

  • Kennedi 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Another deeply depressing work by Charlie Kaufman, full of fear and helplessness about aging and being without companionship. The endless driving in the blizzard and snow, the empty and empty campus corridors in the long cold night, are desolate and lonely, and there is no one to rely on. When the fatal loneliness invaded, the pas de deux scene in the fantasy of the old cleaner pulled me out of the atmosphere of the previous film, as well as the speech + opera that followed. Although this...

  • Sandrine 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    2020.9.14 What is it? Everyone is dizzy. It was originally a chatty road movie, the hero and heroine, can you two stop chattering like this? Like your mother's philosopher writing prose, who wants to hear you from beginning to end? Everyone was dizzy. In the end, the two of you were too chatty and didn't know what to do. From the morning to the evening, you finally watched it several times in the middle and couldn't stop watching it. . I've been discussing, I've been talking, I'm having a debate

  • Edd 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Don't laugh, this may be the final destination of most unmarried people in the 21st century: with the malignant genes of the dark family of origin, through a life of loneliness, cowardice, daring to have feelings for others, and then between inferiority and conceit Circling, dying and dying in YY. This movie is a warning prophecy. If you shudder after watching it, then tell yourself to break the vicious circle and reach out to people and...

Extended Reading

I'm Thinking of Ending Things quotes

  • The Voice: It's not bad, once you stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're just a pig, or, even worse, a pig infested with maggots. Someone has to be a pig infested with maggots, right? It might as well be you. It's the luck of the draw. You play the hand you're dealt. You make lemonade. You... you move on. You don't worry about a thing.

  • Young Woman: Anything an environment makes you feel is about you, not the environment, right?