I'm Thinking of Ending Things Comments

  • Aracely 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Don't try to understand it, feel...

  • Deangelo 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Now people like this kind of brain supplement movies? Anyway, I fell asleep after 30 minutes of forbearance, what the hell, not telling stories...

  • Jacinthe 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Time is a biting cold wind that takes away the energy of our life. Going home is the worst thing that can make us feel out of place. Childhood is the most shameful memory, when we can still draw emotions. A woman is the most beautiful ideal, as long as it is not a beautiful and stupid woman. Life is like a blizzard, and with snow chains we rush into fragments of the stream of consciousness. High concepts are illusory, profound knowledge and sweets, but in the end, they are nothing more than a...

  • Kallie 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    Maybe as the comments said, this science brain burns film. If I failed science, watching this film is like doing a math paper. I insisted on watching it from beginning to end without giving a blank. As for the questions in the paper, I can't remember at all...

  • Mitchell 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    This is the kind of movie that "just feel and don't try to understand". Charlie Kaufman's philosophy is like a huge black hole, which forces the viewer into it, suffocation, despair, and absurdity. The images are presented in In front of the text, he seems extremely thin, and he is also a rare director who still insists on visualizing obscure literature and secret and complicated personal...

  • Alphonso 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    The most amazing thing about this film is that it is two hours and 15 minutes long. From 30 minutes, I feel that it fits the name of the...

  • Alia 2022-03-28 09:01:07

    The title is the viewing...

  • Cristina 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    "But it's not a 2 hour 35 minute movie that's too dizzying to just moan. Those details are meant to establish the morbid nature of each character around the protagonist, thus showing its isolation, but those moments of detail are very Powerless, hypocritical. I don't know if the characters don't know what they're doing or the director doesn't know what he's doing?" Charlie Kaufman taunted Cassavetes at your...

  • Linnea 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    A movie with a lot of monologue lines, a movie suitable for a person to watch like a...

  • Camryn 2022-03-27 09:01:13

    The ghost of life hits the wall, and the memory sees the light and...

Extended Reading

I'm Thinking of Ending Things quotes

  • The Voice: It's not bad, once you stop feeling sorry for yourself because you're just a pig, or, even worse, a pig infested with maggots. Someone has to be a pig infested with maggots, right? It might as well be you. It's the luck of the draw. You play the hand you're dealt. You make lemonade. You... you move on. You don't worry about a thing.

  • Young Woman: Anything an environment makes you feel is about you, not the environment, right?