Il Posto Comments

  • Demario 2022-04-19 09:02:55

    Four and a half stars, absolute objective perspective (long focal length mobile photography, close-up) and absolute subjective perspective (emphasis on Dominic's line of sight) are interspersed and combined to achieve the restoration of psychological experience, without mixing any camera's point of view, until the end of Dominic Nick did not wait for the girl he liked and joined the party alone, and then instantly switched to the death of the employee in the front row. The employees in the back...

  • Sigmund 2022-04-19 09:02:55

    The soundtrack in the middle of the dance has the same feeling as the sweet life soundtrack, ah~ it sounds good! It's worth watching more, the more you watch, the more you feel. Although a lot of details now see me in a...

  • Alexys 2022-04-19 09:02:55

    The film is good, but not too engaging, lacking tension and dramatic conflict, and not as good as those well-known Italian neorealist...

  • Barton 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    The hesitation and confusion of newcomers in the workplace, almost everyone can find their own shadow at that time: getting along with colleagues (especially seniors), being at a loss in a new environment, the joy and waiting of feelings, and the appearance of all beings at the New Year's dance. Arouse the feelings at that time; the realistic big vision, the difficulties and difficulties of life are all blended in it; the male protagonist has the same confused eyes and terrified expression as...

  • Jaida 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    Feel the same! "I don't want to go to work, I just want to fall in love" The first half is too romantic and too good, probably this will make the second half of the sadness of "life is...

  • Torey 2022-03-15 09:01:10

    Drinking coffee in the rain, waiting for everyone to dance in the office, and sitting at the ball. These paragraphs are so classic . I think I will end up being the highly myopic grey nose who writes novels with the lamp...

  • Jany 2022-03-15 09:01:10

    The new realism of survival. The mechanical life oppresses the individual, yet we live by it, and perhaps the whole fear of life lies in this feeling of dependence which hides hopelessness. Dominic's scenes of waiting for a girl several times touched people's hearts. They didn't meet, and they didn't change at all. In the end, they were still ranked in the last row of reality. Love can't be redemption. The film is smooth and clean, with the simplicity of standard neo-realism, and the young and...

  • Kiana 2022-03-14 14:12:30

    A young man of blue-collar origin (Sandro Panzeri) looks for a job and finds it in the administration of a large Milanese...

  • Arne 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Feeling sensitive and inferior is innate, you can't get rid of them, even if you have achieved a little, the more you struggle, the more painful it will be. Therefore, the love demanded by the sensitive and inferior is closer to selflessness and tacit understanding, and this almost unattainable demand heralds the inevitability of...

  • Zechariah 2022-02-25 08:02:03

    Even if turned into a Beetle, Kafka can't enter the...

Extended Reading

Il Posto quotes

  • Antonietta Masetti: Can you smell the coffee?

  • Job Interviewer: Do you mind eating away from home?

    Domenico Cantoni: No.

    Job Interviewer: Does the future seem hopeless to you?

    Domenico Cantoni: No.

    Job Interviewer: Do you suffer from frequent itching?

    Domenico Cantoni: No.

    Job Interviewer: Did you wet the bed between the ages of 8 and 14?

    Domenico Cantoni: No.

    Job Interviewer: Has excessive drunkenness ever caused you to lose your job?

    Domenico Cantoni: No.

    Job Interviewer: Does the opposite sex repulse you?

    Domenico Cantoni: No.

    Job Interviewer: Do you often drink to forget your troubles?

    Domenico Cantoni: Sometimes.

    Job Interviewer: Not sometimes. Yes or no.

    Domenico Cantoni: No.