Il Bidone Comments

  • Cleora 2022-10-16 03:45:00

    It will be paid back sooner or later #Shanghai Film...

  • Cornell 2022-10-13 22:12:51

    The consciousness of the liar is in the same vein as the previous work Dalu, the remorse in the swinger, and the search for a wife, especially the role of the priest, which also implies the key of "confession can be redeemed", and the personal experience that is closer to neorealism fits life. Establishing (in line with the teachings) the values ​​of "conscience" and finding a way out in life are more direct and pious beliefs than the previous work...

  • Jeffery 2022-10-11 23:34:31

    Is it a film that Fellini can understand better? Watching the master's film often swallows it whole, and the last time I watched "Sweet Life", I was very ashamed. I am a rookie? For a moment, I believed that Auguste relented and regretted cheating Also given to disabled girls. But the reality tells us that no matter who, it is harder to spit out the money that is swallowed than anything else. There are no exceptions. Compassion is nothing. At first I thought it was a group show, but when my...

  • Cassandre 2022-09-18 11:05:52

    The same is true of deception today. Just adding "tech" or other skins. The ending of not dying is great. What kind of abnormal father would say "they think we're a couple" while watching a movie with his daughter. The actresses are beautiful and wonderful. The actress who played Polio at the end was especially good. The folk customs are simple Italian. Former Italian street and rural...

  • Marley 2022-09-11 23:20:00

    Fellini on the big screen is really bloody, even if it's sarcasm, it's full of emotion for each...

  • Andre 2022-09-09 17:12:20

    The film takes a liar as the protagonist, but rarely does it take a critical perspective. Instead, it treats Auguste as a person and a father with humanistic care to interpret the desolation behind...

  • Zelda 2022-06-12 22:36:34

    (8.5/10) The first half mainly presents the truth and cruelty of the outside world. The shadow of "Italian Neorealism" can be observed in the process of cheating by scammers, with poor people, dilapidated houses, and small characters. That kind of humbleness and extravagance, and interspersed with the luxury of a banquet to set off the emptiness and hypocrisy behind it (like the one-night tour in "Kabilia Night"). The latter part focuses on the inner contradictions of several characters. In the...

  • Albina 2022-06-12 19:56:34

    I am Sun Yat-sen. I am actually not dead. Now I have been kidnapped. I sent a mobile phone number casually. If you call me 50,000 yuan, I will make you a brigadier general in the future and give you 10 million every...

  • Earl 2022-06-12 18:54:29

    Jesomina and the clown in "The Road" finally become married in "The...

  • Allie 2022-06-12 17:48:28

    Since then, Fellini has parted ways with neorealism, but the brand of neorealism in his soul has not disappeared, even if he does not admit that he is a neorealist. He is the same as the character in the movie: a duplicity liar, wandering between heaven and earth, and reveling in...

Extended Reading

Il Bidone quotes

  • Augusto: We've gotta figure out something better. We can't go on like this.

    Roberto: Who's saying we should? I'm not an idiot. This is just for fun, just to keep us going. I'm going to sing. When I save up some money, I'll take lessons. I've bought all the Johnnie Ray's records. He's really my style.

    Augusto: You'll never take lessons.

    Roberto: I'm not ending up like you!

  • Augusto: In this business you can't have a family. You have to be free to command and go, not tied to your wife's apron strings! You have to be alone.

Il Bidone

Director: Federico Fellini

Language: Italian,Latin,English Release date: October 1962

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