If I Stay Comments

  • Kaci 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    Sometimes you make choices, sometimes choices make you. Sacrifice, that's what we do for the people that we...

  • Jamel 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    The plot that can't be...

  • Zane 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    Better than beauty, music and the emotions of family and...

  • Orpha 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    1. There are many films about the fusion of classical and modern, but it is very rare to make such a procrastination. 2. What makes people enviable is the attitude of the father and mother to their daughter's love affair, perhaps it is the music that gives them an optimistic attitude. 3. The whole story is connected through the memories of life before death. The form is very good, but the technique is too poor. 4. In the blink of an eye, the little witch has reached the age of falling in love...

  • Savannah 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    The unremarkable youth love story, after the accidental car accident and the out-of-body soul, is somewhat novel, but it can only be regarded as a small accident. For the brainless fans, it's just to see how the super-killer girl of "Kai Bian Wang" turned from a young loli to a half-mature girl. However, the biggest highlight of the film is actually the British boy Jamie's singing. As for the ending of love or not, it's just a gimmick that doesn't matter. 6.1...

  • Davonte 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    Beautiful and dull youth...

  • Ruthe 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    I finally understand what it means to use life in the test...

  • Marilou 2022-04-23 07:02:02

    Watching this movie can't help but think of "The Lovely Bones". In the same way, the story is told by the undead wandering in the world, which is much fresher than the latter. For example, a youth story, Dugu, ideals, love, self-realization and other themes, are cleaned up and scrutinized one by one in the dilemma of life and death. However, Moricz's face is introverted and artistic, and she needs to present a beautiful girl with a classical charm. It's a bit of a...

  • Felipe 2022-04-22 07:01:25

    Why would a classical player and a rock player happily play Bluegrass...

  • Elwyn 2022-04-22 07:01:25

    The two worlds of yin and yang are interspersed with busy memories. The film is too detailed, and the plot is a bit cumbersome and procrastinating. If it weren't for the infinite affection for Moretz, the speed of this fast-forward would be faster. The film is nothing more than using family affection and youthful love to continuously instill in the audience, using music as a link to interpret the emotional entanglement between Bai Shatian and Gao Caishuai. It is a pity that this is just a...

Extended Reading

If I Stay quotes

  • Kat: Babe, are you sure it's a bee?

    Adam: Oh, yeah. We gotta get this stinger out.

    Mia Hall: No, we're not doing that!

    Adam: Trust me, this is the only thing I learned in Boy Scouts.

    [gently sucks on her hand]

    Adam: Got it.

    [family applause]

    Kat: Wow.

    Willow: Way hotter than tweezers.

    Henry: Stand down, woman, you're already knocked up.

    Adam: You know, you should get stung more often. I'm sorry to sat that's the furthest we've gotten since our first date.

  • Mia Hall: There are two types of people in the world, Kim. Those who like real coffee, and those who like froufrou drinks with ridiculous names.

    Kim: Um, wow. You know, I'm not ashamed to be a cinnamon-spice chai latte lover. Thank you very much.

    Mia Hall: Yeah, well, it kind of smells like Christmas threw up in your mug.

    Kim: Fine by me.