Icarus Comments

  • Elwyn 2022-10-01 21:26:25

    emmm...the title of the film is pretty good, some comics in the film are well drawn, and the feathers at the end of the film are beautifully shot...As for the content, everyone has a steel scale in their hearts, the United States itself is innocent, which country dares to Say you are completely innocent? (It's too opportunistic to use the cyclist's...

  • Clare 2022-09-29 02:22:43

    Athletics has become a victim of politics... The link between the success of the Sochi Winter Games and Russia's war against Ukraine is horrible... Sharapova was Sochi's ambassador/torchbearer at the time, Issin Bayeva's tearful remarks are vivid in my mind. Seeing Vesnina's heart tightened...all sports. . So are athletes aware of this systematic cheating or are they in the...

  • Fay 2022-09-21 16:23:26

    We must know that we are completely copying things from polar bears, the five golden horses, and the Hiroshima doping scandal that shocked the world. This is still a situation discovered without internal exposure and supervision. . And we have ever had the purest cholesterol production system that can pass inspection, just for export? Of course, this happened to others. If you were caught cheating yourself, it would be discriminating against all Chinese people with ulterior motives. ....

  • Waino 2022-08-21 02:54:45

    Grigory Rodchenkov is an absolute cunning and cunning, who has carefully framed his own image to perfection as Snowden, who has been mutilated by politics. Although it is not the mastermind, it must be a big pusher. The push hands must be proficient in the 24 Tai Chi styles, using softness to overcome rigidity, using stillness to restrain, and using the weak to overcome the strong. Love dogs, Wen Qing, and attempted suicide, the director did everything he could to turn the tide, and really...

  • Marlene 2022-08-19 22:08:18

    The truth is the most shocking and...

  • Lois 2022-05-31 21:09:30

    The 2015 documentary on the Russian drug scandal is exactly the same as Edward Snow’s Oscar's Best Feature Documentary [Fourth Citizen]. Director Brian Fogel also acts as a participant and synchronized with the time of the event. Recording the whistleblowing process similar to the "Prism Gate Incident", the scandal involved President Putin and the Russian government, and finally the truth about the ban on drugs in sports is even more...

  • Gladyce 2022-05-31 13:50:35

    4.5 | The protagonist Rodchenkov is approximately equal to the Russian version of Snowden, with a more sophisticated structure of "Fourth Citizen". The American Tour de France cyclists who are eager to improve their performance find the Russian banned drug giants, but they did not achieve the top ten goals. A shocking case was shot, and the target was Putin. The second half of the intertextual structure with "1984" is very thoughtful, and the animation is full of appeal. It is inevitable that...

  • Blanche 2022-05-31 13:39:21

    It's not like a documentary, it's more like a drama. When the term banned drugs is used in sports events, it is not only shameful but also shameful. The rise from sports to politics is nothing more than using small people as a shield. National interests are above all else. How terrible the truth is, and how untestable the truth is. One last point: accept, it's actually heartbreaking when you say it. The earth is still going round, and athletes compete as usual. However, what is involved in the...

  • Davonte 2022-05-31 12:22:29

    Some medications are individual, which is a problem of universal human greed and fluke, while some medications are systemic, which is uniquely evil. The tragedy is that the leaker lives in secret in the United States, while the wife and children can only stay in their homeland in humiliation, but the power system that is truly responsible can still win the right to host the games and allow athletes to re-enter the Olympics. Will the person who decides to name all ear individuals be forgotten...

  • Rosemarie 2022-05-31 10:02:46

    This juncture cannot but say that the United States has selfishness towards Russia. But last year the news broke that it was absolutely tsunami-level shock. Snowden in the sports world, but what is offensive is that he has done so proudly to help the country implement this plan, and he has no intention of repentance. The film is not very responsible for the photos and videos of Russian athletes, so it can't be targeted at...

Extended Reading

Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.