I Stand Alone Comments

  • Colleen 2022-10-16 17:30:27

    Not everyone understands...

  • Victoria 2022-10-16 16:50:30

    1. The sound effects are unforgettable for a lifetime; 2. The cynical remarks are also profound and penetrating, which is an in-depth analysis of life, human nature, and society, and a spiritual quote from a...

  • Trystan 2022-10-16 11:06:10

    Also known as "When a middle-aged male loser is stupid and bad, it's easy to think too much". I still only take Haneke as the sadist in the director. Before the incest plot happened, he warned the audience in big letters that "the enemy has 30 seconds to reach the...

Extended Reading

I Stand Alone quotes

  • The Butcher: People think they're free. But freedom doesn't exist. Just laws that unknown people made to protect themselves.

  • The Butcher: Most women are poor creatures. Being without a cock, the only way they can feel strong in front of a man is to betray him by latching on to another cock, especially when it's got more money. The part i like is after stuffed her snatch her prince charming dropped her like stinky cheese. She acted like filth, but she was smart enough to admit it. The past always catches up to you. You always end up paying for your acts. And if she threw herself in front of a subway train, it's not my fault. She obviously didn't deserve better...