I Live in Fear Comments

  • Jeremy 2023-04-09 10:26:10

    Simply defining the film as the aftermath of Japan's fear of the atomic bomb is biased. . At the time of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, nuclear deterrence put the lives of all human beings on the line. Emperor Kurosawa was also painstakingly filming this film. . But looking back on it now, it's actually not much better than it was back then. The earth is on...

  • Alvina 2023-04-07 21:21:06

    t7983f012c The predicament of personal insanity is a gathering of doomsday despair, social panic, and the pressure of civilization cannot escape. Suddenly, I want to connect it with Munch and Ito Junji, and my body is twisted and distorted. The screaming human figure, and the people who are still safe and sound, are also swaying in the panic reality. The three boats are simply amazing. This film is also not complete, but it can stand side by side with the Seven Samurai to interpret the Emperor...

  • Angie 2023-04-07 00:48:10

    Akira Kurosawa is always too high and too...

  • Vern 2023-04-05 21:52:58

    Mifune's acting skills really have nothing to...

  • Nyasia 2023-03-28 15:38:09

    Usually rebellion against the patriarchy is portrayed as progressive and legitimate, but here the anti-nuclear war sentiment is placed on the father's side, creating a double contradiction. Akira Kurosawa is like the old stubborn in the play, afraid and disappointed with reality, but also unable to wake up the numb...

  • Maryam 2023-03-27 14:18:29

    If the Japanese suffered a nuclear explosion, they would never stop mentioning the nuclear bomb and they would be scared to death. Absolute persecution mad, for this reason they bomb factories and then persecute others. . ....

  • Julio 2023-03-22 02:18:13

    Raising children does not necessarily prevent old age. Maybe raising a child can bring you endless harm and...

  • Reyes 2023-03-19 02:07:03

    the figure viewed from behind is so lonely in the...

  • Shirley 2023-03-18 20:10:44

    As a Chinese, after reading it, I only feel hypocritical, as if people who died in China had a choice, don't the Japanese who are most afraid of causing trouble don't want to atone for their sins? This is also the reason why I don't like Kurosawa Akira very much. Only the Japanese have a miserable life,...

  • Alysha 2023-03-10 17:17:55

    The themes of Akira Kurosawa's previous films are often very clear, and they are even directly spoken by the characters. The difference from other works is that this work can be interpreted in many ways, and when I watch it, I keep guessing what the film wants to express. (perhaps the ambiguity of expression makes the movie less interesting). It can be reminiscent of the aftermath of Japan's post-war period; whether the main earner in the family has overwhelming control over money; if everyone...

Extended Reading

I Live in Fear quotes

  • Domestic Court Counselor Dr. Harada: He's gone too far. But... aren't we ourselves worried about the bombs? Of course we are, as is Miss Tamiya. Isn't that right? Only we aren't as perturbed as that man. We don't build underground shelters, or plan to move to Brazil. However, we can't exactly disregard this feeling, can we? It's a feeling shared by all Japanese, more or less. I can't justify deciding this lightly just because he's gone too far. The thing is...

  • Sue Nakajima: Good old Father. In only two days.

    [Jiro beats Sue and chases her around the courtyard]