I Know Who Killed Me Comments

  • Angus 2022-01-13 08:03:21

    A group of ignorant spectators who only know about curiosity and sensory pleasure, this film should actually be regarded as an immortal masterpiece of American horror films. The whole plot is also true and illusory, the foreshadowing is properly arranged, the murderer and the victim have distinct personalities, and they completely deal with American suspense, which is unprecedented. bad movie? I really don’t understand what people think that such a film that deeply explores the relationship...

  • Winnifred 2022-01-13 08:03:21

    Neal McDonough, Eddie's husband in the fifth season of Desperate...

  • Delia 2022-01-13 08:03:21

    I like the red and blue tones, and it feels very depressed, but the story is a bit unreasonable and there are too many...

  • Fern 2022-01-13 08:03:21

    I don’t know who killed me, and I’ve never figured out whether Aubrey and Dakota are twins or the same person’s dual personality. I don’t think it is very strong and can stand...

  • Aracely 2022-01-13 08:03:21

    You have to say, this girl is really bad, I feel sad. ....

Extended Reading

I Know Who Killed Me quotes

  • Dakota Moss: I know who killed me.

  • Dakota Moss: Do I look like I'm in a fucking coma?