I, Frankenstein Comments

  • Ophelia 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    . . . . Is the screenwriter's mind all...

  • Rosalia 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    Yes, it requires special effects, special effects, and scenes. Although the plot is simpler and the ending is a bit sloppy, it is still a foreign-eyed entertainment commercial...

  • Felipe 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    I want to learn the legend of the night, it’s still too...

  • Jackson 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    Hello, I am Wallace of Diarrhea, this is my work. ^It's a sloppy plot. If Frankenstein has Tintin, then the zombie mountain can also have sex and shame the nun. I forgot how the big boss died. CG is also average. The girl has no meat to watch...

  • Pierce 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    Watching the trailer, I think it's awesome, frankenstein and night dragon. Sure enough, it can't be seen as a film, the plot is like paper, and the special effects are also at the level of online games. The actor probably didn't know what he was acting, so he posed according to the script. Compared with this movie, those two big four famous arrests are simply the conscience of the industry; the pros and the villains can't help but fight, but the way to die is rather environmentally friendly....

  • Winnifred 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    I actually saw the live version of the Night Walk Shenlong....

  • Demetrius 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    This is a second-force movie about the story of a man with a two-stick and a two-stick hitting a...

  • Roxane 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    Why is it not a werewolf vampire who made a dragon and a...

  • Rubye 2021-12-17 08:01:11

    Don’t Frankenstein’s head have two screws on the ears...Isn’t the Nightwalker Dragon is a low-level cannon fodder that sees light and petrified? How about slaughtering Castlevania, facing the morning sun and going home with your mother... The beauty scientist said, save your turtle Colleagues, if you have a man, you will forget your...

Extended Reading

I, Frankenstein quotes

  • Leonore: When I met you, my first thought was to have you destroyed. But then I looked into your eyes. And you know what I saw there? Not a soul, but the potential for one.

  • Leonore: The Gargoyle Order was commanded into being by the Archangel Michael. It is our sacred duty to wage war against the demon horde, the 666 legions of hell-born creatures unleashed by Satan after his fall from heaven. Humans think of us as mere decoration. They do not know, nor can they conceive, the brutal unseen war being fought around them every day. A war that may one day determine the fate of all mankind.