I, Claudius Comments

  • Alberto 2023-02-05 03:34:25

    It's probably the fifth time I've watched it, and every time I find something...

  • Cathrine 2023-01-23 06:44:50

    Fictional history is beyond words. ....

  • Verlie 2022-12-15 03:17:28

    I've watched political dramas and historical dramas on my list so...

  • Amara 2022-11-02 01:18:34

    The historical drama recommended by bill gates is very sad to watch. Almost all people died abnormally, and all that survived were miracles. ....

  • Darius 2022-10-20 11:32:51

    It's one of the best TV shows I've ever seen, and it reminds me a lot of my Latin class, ah. ....

  • Trevor 2022-10-04 01:59:00

    Outrageous OOC in terms of history...Republic, my republic (crying) Li Wei's anger at the lack of virtue in the Empire finally manifested in Claudius the fool,...

  • Wilbert 2022-09-12 04:29:25

    First check the wiki to draw the family tree, you can figure out the relationship between the characters. After watching "Memoirs of Hadrian", the play immediately made the characters mentioned in it...

  • Jasmin 2022-09-08 07:57:38

    British media commented on the best stutter in history, I,...

  • Reggie 2022-09-06 23:20:55

    It's 30 years old. I watched it almost 10 years ago. As far as I remembered, it felt like a stage drama, so might be dry and long to some audience. But first-rate performance. Don't watch it if you have no 11 hours to spare--it's...

  • Violette 2022-09-06 22:59:05

    The most interesting scene in the film is when Caligula was stabbed and Crowe was made emperor by the Praetorian Guards. The Germanic Guards loyal to the little boots did not understand why the Praetorian Guards cheered, and the Praetorian Guard soldiers had to use German. tell him caesar is...

Extended Reading

I, Claudius quotes

  • [reciting another poem]

    Minester: You ask me how my farm can pay/Since little it will bear/It pays me thus: 'Tis far away/And you are never there.

  • [to the senate]

    Augustus: I called you all here to talk about the level of opposition to my new law against bachelorism. Do you know what I say? I say: "STOP COMPLAINING AND GET MARRIED."