I Can Quit Whenever I Want: Masterclass Comments

  • Shayne 2022-10-13 19:47:58

    Father が try to write will be た っ た か ら 観 た ん だ け ど, supervisor's words ほ ど academic な face white さ は な か っ た. Japanese subtitles: だと毩いも伝わりにくいし, このご Shise でナチスは Face white くない. まぁ, でも楽しい movie ではあったし, ポスターのイメージほどではないけど, レイシズムはあった. The second work of the three...

  • Garnett 2022-10-13 11:58:44

    Continues the relaxed style of the first...

  • Zechariah 2022-10-13 11:49:39

    It's on the same level as the recently watched "Strategy of Europe", but there is Tony Leung in that movie, so I can barely watch it. This style of film itself is not very interesting, there is no familiar star, it is...

I Can Quit Whenever I Want: Masterclass

Director: Sydney Sibilia

Language: Italian,Russian,Latin Release date: February 2, 2017