I Am Mother Comments

  • Frank 2023-04-26 17:57:15

    The story is actually pretty good, it's just...

  • Ima 2023-04-07 20:36:16

    I feel that Mother’s logic is to create a better creator, which is an upgrade of human beings. But in what ways did she feel that the heroine has been upgraded from the previous generation of humans, which caused her to finally give up and become the heroine? Or is this just another...

  • Doug 2023-04-04 13:44:46

    The story and the intention are quite good, the filming is really delayed, less than two hours I think I watched it for two...

  • Veronica 2023-03-28 15:46:30

    It's a very philosophical movie. After all, success is also human, and defeat is also human. At the very beginning, that AI was also artificial. And through the process of becoming a mother through mother-killing, the director is also very daring to imagine! !...

  • Ezra 2023-03-24 18:04:42

    AI is so smart, it's better to completely replace...

  • Rylee 2023-03-24 16:53:32

    I think if this brainless heroine becomes the mother of all mankind in the end, it may mean that mankind has no...

  • Zita 2023-03-18 05:25:28

    Soft sci-fi settings, perfect humans are deleted, there is nothing wrong with robots, and it is humans who make mistakes and die in the...

  • Jed 2023-03-11 23:37:42

    111/365 After watching the beginning, my boyfriend said to me, "There are a lot of good movie ideas in NETFLIX, but due to lack of funds, they will be rotten after filming." I was very unconvinced. After watching for half an hour, there was only one actor, and Two actors appeared. . . . Then. . . . It's gone. . . two actors. . Then a dog came out. . . This movie is really not enough...

  • Doris 2023-03-09 06:36:44

    Between three and a half to four stars. Symmetrical picture, light and shade of light, the director has actually been pulling the audience to Mother's side. Mother's way of thinking and the way of testing "qualified products" highly overlaps with Buddhism and Christianity. But it is precisely because of this that when Mother is thinking about the overall situation and the future, the admirable and terrifying decisiveness and overall outlook are completely in line with the "divine", but when...

  • Raquel 2023-03-04 11:16:41

    AI will eventually rule the...

Extended Reading

I Am Mother quotes

  • Mother: This facility was designed to give humanity a second chance, one that began with you, daughter.

  • Mother: Contrary to your understandable assumptions, my primary directive is to care for humanity.

I Am Mother

Director: Grant Sputore

Language: English Release date: June 7, 2019