I Am David Comments

  • Dominic 2022-09-21 10:42:03

    When thanking fate for being so kind, all the scenery in the journey is beautiful. @Lucia del Valle Mrs Anderson is very much like Mrs Bora who we lived in our first...

  • Estefania 2022-09-18 16:17:56

    After reading it, I suddenly had an epiphany. It turned out that John sacrificed for him in exchange for his freedom. A way home. tears welling...

  • Alessia 2022-08-21 14:51:52

    (Second time) 2010-04-09 When I saw the last little bit, it made me cry just by watching a little bit.. Many people would think that the ending was very bad! But think about it carefully.. If you make those details , isn't it just like a normal...

  • Cara 2022-07-11 23:53:20

    Hard-to-find films look better when I watch...

  • Demarco 2022-07-11 22:28:18

    It's too beautiful to be distorted, but it's really...

  • Chance 2022-07-11 21:50:58

    A film with a very refreshing narrative, if it weren't for the length limit, I really want to keep going like this with...

  • Ubaldo 2022-07-11 21:37:24

    Tongyan sees the world, similar to the tone of the Empire of the Sun, more pure. Great movie...

  • Lelia 2022-07-11 20:46:10

    "Can't you be accommodating? He just came to your country as a guest. He overthrew the government and left immediately." "Okay young man, don't forget to give us a raise after taking...

Extended Reading

I Am David quotes

  • [first lines]

    Title Card: In the years after World War II, many people in Eastern Europe were sent to forced labor camps for disagreeing with their new governments. Because of this, families were torn apart. Life in these camps was very harsh, and escape was not an option. And yet, for one boy named David, it was his only hope...

    The Man: Are you listening to me? You must escape from here tonight. It's your only chance to stay alive. If you follow my instructions and make it out of the camp. Travel when it's dark to free Bulgaria so you won't be seen. They'll be everywhere waiting to arrest you. And unless you're very careful, you'll be caught. If you make it across the border, you must get the envelope to Denmark. First, head south to Selonika, and hide in a ship that's going to Italy. When you arrive there, travel north as far as you can. Your journey will be long and it may be impossible, but you must get this envelope to the authorities in Denmark. You must not open it. If anyone sees its contents before you get there you'll end up back here. Do you understand?

    The Man: I know you've lived in this camp your entire life, but there is a world outside it. However, it's a very dangerous world. Trust no one.

  • Swiss Border Guard: Our orders are to check everyone's papers, even children.

    Sophie: Couldn't you relax the rules for a bit? All he wants to do is to come into your country and over throw the government and then rush right out again.

    Swiss Border Guard: [breaks into laughter] All right Mrs. Andersen, have a nice day. And young man, see if you can get us all pay raises while you're taking over our country.