Humanity Comments

  • Kiana 2022-04-21 09:03:31

    The long and slow rhythm of more than two hours of film is really demanding on the audience's mental state... The extremely calm and emotional capture captures the invisible anxiety of the protagonist into every air, and after getting rid of that slow and dull body, A pure soul who is at a loss for the sex and sin that is all around him. The truth itself has no emotion at all. silent...

  • Dora 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    Farah is so tired. He was heavy and his heart was bleeding. In a trance, like a flash of lightning, he seemed to be enlightened: human beings, with their true nature, are no different from animals, who would care about him, only he cares about himself. In fact, the alienation of people is originally a common embarrassment for all of...

  • Theresa 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    The difference and connection between "reality" and "reality" is a commonplace in filmmaking, but it is the first time that Dumont's work is so unremarkable and presented in a serious way in an almost uncomfortable way. See. The combination of Dumont's philosophical background, French minimalist film system, and suspenseful themes is a wonderful combination. The more you do subtraction, the more bizarre the character's behavior (the less realistic), but the more empathic ( more realistic)...

  • Misael 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    7.5 Rape and Murder Chasing Refugees and Mentally Insane Short-term strikes Girls and sex addicts under the trees in England on the other side Bare genitals and sex scenes, speedy trains, hands peeling potatoes, stroking sows, body sweat on necks, World War II fortresses , the small vegetable garden and the factory kiss and caress the last handcuffs in the roar of the...

  • Aletha 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    Dumont's modern version of the Jesus story. Quiet to the extreme: the lighting is natural and soft; except for the protagonist, everyone maintains a morally neutral color, with no exposure and exposure, no accusation or praise, and no absolute good or evil. This is man, man! The best part is that the emotions are tense: the film is two and a half hours long, and the rhythm is tight; the shots are long, so the brewing emotions will not be ruined by too many editing; there is little dialogue, and...

  • Braulio 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    3.5 Where Bresson is, the various long shots and alienation styles are closer to Ceylon; but it is not as beautiful as Ceylon, it is rough and rough, and lacks some...

  • Samson 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    The tranquility of the town cannot hide the evils of human...

  • General 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    director i used to...

  • Rodolfo 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    When it was over, it suddenly felt good. But it's not like a guide, it's more like a drag. What I like about long takes is capturing parts of life, and this film lives on abstraction, with a Dostoevsky-esque actor, and not much...

  • Bobbie 2022-04-20 09:02:35

    The film is like the protagonist, slow-moving and...

Extended Reading

Humanity quotes

  • [first lines]

    l'inspecteur de police Pharaon De Winter: I'm coming.