Humanity Comments

  • Bernita 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    Golden Strawberry Competitor: Compared with the level of singing and dancing in the past two years, I still like the "savage" Dumont. The self-isolation of the frontier town is neither kind nor faith; isolation from the outside world, isolation from others, greetings and teasing, all carry a kind of malicious malice, and uneasy emotions erupted after the rape and murder case. The benchmark of the civilized world is in trouble. Du Meng pressed a boulder on human nature, and then poured it with...

  • Cecelia 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    Communication does not make the distance between people closer, the truth is always on the other side of the distance. Those expressionless people in Du Meng's camera, helplessness are written in their eyes, and desires are all in their...

  • Theron 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    The close-up of functional significance continues to take on emotions that cannot be expressed through words and texts in Dumont's films. The three central characters try to establish a positional relationship of theological significance: the merciful and painful God suffers because of mercy, the civilized person falls into the predicament of desire, and only the unconscious barbarism remains static from beginning to end. Perhaps the reason why the clues of the film cannot be broken in advance...

  • Shanna 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    In Dumont's fable of re-engraving the Bible and magnifying the observation of "Human Nature", the sins that fell from the sky seem to be puzzles and curses set by God. Adam, who failed to eat the fruit of good and evil, was abandoned by Eve and suffered alone in the Garden of Eden. At this time, only God opened his big dull and sad eyes, examining everything that happened in the town. Vaguely tell people that the devil is...

  • Lemuel 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    I used to take the disc in DVD-5 and then transferred it out and then I want to watch it. Now there is very little juice source, and I can watch it again on the network disk. The picture quality is average. 2019-9-21 HD Blu-ray picture quality 21:9 download and watch...

  • Kianna 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    It's been a long time since I watched a contemporary slow movie, which is really unbearable. But it's worth seeing in the end. The biggest feature of the male protagonist is his eyes (emphasis in the last shot), from beginning to end, he repeatedly looks at the scenery and people outside the window during the review process, with large eyes that are sluggish and often smiling (plus slow and minimal language) ) interact with others. Other than that is stroking, kissing and hugging, in contrast...

  • Kirsten 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    From the murder case to the three-way relationship between the hero and the hero, from the naked sex between the heroine and her boyfriend to the inexplicable kiss between the hero and the criminal, as well as the breath emanating from the detail lens in the unimportant plot, all are different desires On the side, the combined polygon mirror reflects the most original face of human...

  • Jannie 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    It's like a Ulrich Seidl drama...but the emotional twist in it feels too...

  • Johann 2022-02-28 08:01:35

    Dumont used a lot of contrasts to contrast everything he wanted to express. An underlying contrast is that of Farrow and Josephine, a seemingly unsexy saint and a sexually murdered bastard, a contrast of purity and evil. But in this investigation process that traversed the entire time, Farrow was constantly tortured and tortured, and it was also his own continuous questioning (externally and internally). In the end, he handcuffed his hands, locked everything, and became a prisoner in a cage....

Extended Reading

Humanity quotes

  • [first lines]

    l'inspecteur de police Pharaon De Winter: I'm coming.


Director: Bruno Dumont

Language: French,English Release date: October 27, 1999