Howards End Comments

  • Tania 2022-11-20 05:41:01

    Not as good as the movie version of Emma Thompson and Anthony...

  • Orrin 2022-11-13 22:01:55

    Meg: I'm only twenty-eight too -...

  • Stan 2022-11-12 08:13:04

    Good shit, I suddenly remembered that I haven't read the...

  • Winston 2022-11-08 14:57:19

    The actors were just reciting their...

  • Martine 2022-10-31 14:27:17

    After watching the third episode, I was so cute! Sister Beaver and Matthew are a perfect match to cry! /This may be a novel that I can't get the meaning of no matter how it is adapted into film and...

  • Ryder 2022-10-07 20:36:22

    Almost all of the BBC's TV series now smells of cheap soap. From the perspective of the adaptation of the original plot, this version is more faithful to Foster's novel than James Ivory's film, but the taste of the classical manor has not been filmed at all, and even hollowed out the national spirit and class color of the original , except for Helen, all of the casting was a mistake!...

  • Mittie 2022-10-06 08:28:26

    Come and see the lovely AL (there are too few scenes and a question mark on the...

  • Laurie 2022-09-27 00:23:54

    The picture is beautiful, but I really don't know what the key point is, and what the central idea is to express, I don't...

  • Maud 2022-09-21 01:08:57

    The goal of the original work is large, the author may also have very deep ideas to express, and can see the forward-looking insight that is not commensurate with the era. The pattern of this film is not limited by the rare characters and thin plots. On the contrary, just like the drama, it lays the groundwork layer by layer, and the conflict finally breaks out and ends quickly. The director or screenwriter may have the intention to reproduce the original play and satirize the past at the same...

  • Trycia 2022-09-11 06:49:03

    The younger sister is as ignorant and absurd and annoying as the 92 movie version, but the 92 version of Aunt Helena plays it well. The original book reflects a large number of differences, misunderstandings and conflicts between the rich, the middle class, and the lower class, but the film and television show no connotation, and they all stay at the level of lines. Hailey has worked hard, and the boy who plays the clerk can also...

Howards End


Language: English,German,Chinese Release date: April 8, 2018