House of Sand and Fog Comments

  • Cordie 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    It hurts so much. . Unbearable. . It feels overwhelming....

  • Yvette 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    7 points. The ratings are high, but I feel average. A hysterical woman meets a lewd, cowardly and useless man to terrorize a family of helpless Iranian immigrants. A job error that should have been a headache for the government has turned into a tragedy that destroyed three families. It is inexplicable. The eccentric color is too strong, which greatly weakens the emotional appeal. It is estimated that the county government is really going to laugh at the...

  • Ada 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    The ingredients for the little cook to make Buddha Jump over the Wall are all good ingredients, but the taste is far worse. The thickness of the subject matter and the way of presentation have a dislocated feeling of powerlessness. It looks very...

  • Stevie 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    This is a really scary story. Fortunately, I didn't watch it in the cinema, otherwise I couldn't hide for a few minutes or rest for a few minutes. It's...

  • Monserrate 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    The ending is very tragic, the process is not enough to suppress and catch people, and after thinking about it, the downside should be that the plot is limited to conflicts between individuals, and has not risen to social issues, such as joining racial discrimination and the tax...

  • Carmela 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    Kathy: I miss my dad. He worked really hard for that house... It took him... thirty years to pay it off. And it took me eight months to fuck it...

  • Eliza 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    This is also a movie that has been moving around in my multiple hard drives and computers for a long time until today. I thought it was a movie with a wasteland background just by looking at the name. This story is too sad, it shouldn't be like this, and I thought I could finally settle the dispute over the house peacefully. Recently, I was reading a book on how to write a good script. The characters in this movie are very good. The heroine is a typical low-level American who can’t live to...

  • Aurelio 2022-04-22 07:01:36

    The film was nominated for Best Actor, Supporting Actress and Score at the 76th Academy Awards. The plot of the film is a bit paranoid, making the unlikely event happen. The film also tells people that some women are indeed a...

  • Elouise 2022-04-21 09:02:40

    Brunette JENNIFER is...

  • Jaylon 2022-04-21 09:02:40

    Slightly worse than expected ||| Perseverance will only make you lose more things...

Extended Reading

House of Sand and Fog quotes

  • Hotel Security: Can I help you?

    Behrani: My car is parked here. You asked yesterday also.

  • Nadi: [In Farsi] I dreamt of a bird trapped in our empty house, it was trying to find a way out. It fluttered around hitting the walls. I could feel the air from the wings on my face. I opened the window... and it flew away.

    Behrani: Drink this.