House of Sand and Fog Comments

  • Eveline 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    She is so beautiful/a sad story similar to the Tower of Babel. People's fate is entangled, and blindly hurt each other because of human weakness, like a runaway vehicle. Such a cycle is like a bicycle market. When one day you find that your lost car was bought by a stranger as a second-hand car, who is justified? Everyone has a standpoint, even car thieves have a reason for his...

  • Hillard 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    It was originally a story that didn't need to be made into a movie, but in order to make it look necessary, it became more and more oblique. The beauty of the...

  • Coby 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    Wen Zou Zou's sour and fake vinegar, a woman obsessed with alcohol and cigarettes. . . Not only destroys his own life. . . It also ruined the lives of others. . . Even if you exile yourself, it's your own business. . . The cruel selfishness under the cover of literature and art. . . . Unreasonable people can't deal with at all. . . . The original family disputes became tragic because of the gun. ....

  • Wayne 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    In China, this is an ordinary daily life movie, and it is so tragic when it is released abroad. . Okay, I just came here for Jennifer Connelly....

  • Jarvis 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    Ben Kingsley's acting is so good. At the end, he runs and commits suicide when he loses his son. It is shocking! Jennifer is not bad too, her eyes always give people a feeling of just crying, too watery~ The best thing humans are good at is to complicate things to the point of destroying everything!...

  • Horacio 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    How haggard connelly is, it is breathtakingly beautiful. But this story is true. . . God unfolding == 1 star for...

  • Sarina 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    Three and a half years, the three parties jointly contributed to the tragedy, but the three characters are relatively simple in shaping, especially the role of the police is basically a nerve, so the traces of the plot and the art are too heavy. It is said that I still wanted to go to...

  • Leopold 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    Men more or less have some young Don Quixote complex, thinking that they are a knight, fighting against fantasy monsters, struggling for their seemingly ideal dreams, and even thinking that they can save a princess as a result, which bursts out some Potential not normally...

  • Charlene 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    I always feel like a fuss, what a big deal. The deepest feeling was that the old man prayed for his son. We chased fame and gain and hurt each other, but found that in the end the most precious thing is the love between...

  • Erich 2021-12-31 08:03:06

    If they did not choose this way, the outcome would be different. They are not bad people in the absolute sense, but they are not good enough. Everyone contributes to the flames. They are both victims and murderers. The actors played really well and the scenery was beautiful. pity. . . Why did things turn out to be like this. This ending is too sad. One house, three lives, ruined the happiness of many...

Extended Reading

House of Sand and Fog quotes

  • Hotel Security: Can I help you?

    Behrani: My car is parked here. You asked yesterday also.

  • Nadi: [In Farsi] I dreamt of a bird trapped in our empty house, it was trying to find a way out. It fluttered around hitting the walls. I could feel the air from the wings on my face. I opened the window... and it flew away.

    Behrani: Drink this.