Host Comments

  • Freeda 2022-11-18 11:16:27

    Isolation at home+group video chat+calling spirits, pretty...

  • Ward 2022-10-30 15:34:49

    I really like this theme so much I can't get enough of it! ! ! Someone was scared and called out! !...

  • Aubree 2022-09-10 11:33:55

    Looking at it with very low expectations, it is still very...

  • Adelbert 2022-08-10 23:28:54

    The film length is about an hour and it is considered short and sharp. There are a few jump scares that are quite good, but also because the film length is only one hour to pave the way for emotional mobilization. And sacrificing a certain amount of material, the old Asian girl not only pitted her to apologize in the end, she didn’t even...

  • Letitia 2022-08-10 19:07:07

    Did not see anything...

  • Norval 2022-08-10 16:54:53

    If Jemma hadn't joked, there might be nothing wrong with Teddy. Teddy was really miserable. She was shot when she came in...

  • Jose 2022-08-10 15:44:17

    Unfriend 3: New Crown, thanks to Heiluyi for...

  • Trycia 2022-08-10 13:52:28

    As a movie born during the plague, COVID-19 became the background (not an element of exploitation, such as the full moon "Virus Zombie") and appeared in the movie. To some extent, this is also an important record for the current era. . The whole is more similar to "Kunchi Rock". Like many other Found Footage directors, Savage often encourages audiences to use "replay" and "pause" to have the fun of watching movies. Thanks to the 56-minute ultra-short film length, the movie The atmosphere of the...

Extended Reading

Host quotes

  • Haley: It'll be fine. The woman is a friend of mine. So she's done it a bunch of times for me. She'll kind of guide everyone through it, we'll just kinda have to follow her instructions. So just please, she is a friend of mine, not that I don't think you would, please take it seriously tho and be respectful.

  • Seylan: So because we're doing this over Zoom, what it does mean is that we're slightly less protected than we might've been, so it's very important that you respect the spirits, and you respect each other.