Hoosiers Comments

  • Elouise 2023-05-29 12:05:31

    Did you win the championship the next year? How many championships have you...

  • Renee 2023-05-28 22:01:38

    The plot of the film festival is really average. Maybe watching more inspirational movies is a routine. It felt like Jimmy's thighs were leading the team to the championship. In addition to being grumpy and prominent, the coach did not see any special talents. I don't know whether the protagonist of this film should be the coach or...

  • Kiley 2023-05-17 06:47:00

    The description of the game is average, and the story does not have many twists and turns or touching historical turning points, but I always envy the people in a small town who are crazy about sports and...

  • Margarita 2023-05-08 10:53:01

    I'm actually a little moved == The taste is so light...

  • Elda 2023-04-22 18:21:08

    Sometimes I think these screenwriters are really incompetent, maybe they are based on true stories, and their true stories are so similar. In addition, hackman really looks like Scolari’s...

  • Serenity 2023-03-13 22:29:41

    good basketball...

  • Colt 2023-03-10 13:44:09

    Very good, simple and...

  • Merritt 2023-03-08 00:47:26

    Really hot trainer grass...

  • Oceane 2023-03-07 20:57:31

    The film was nominated for the 59th Oscar for best supporting actor and soundtrack. The Chinese media now like to talk about "positive energy", but does it have to be earth-shattering deeds? The coach in the film is a simple positive energy. Although it is not a good person and deed like Lei Feng, and he has an unglamorous past, he relied on his own actions to change others and change the town. I like this kind of simple...

  • Buster 2023-02-26 02:39:39

    Hot Coach Grass...

Extended Reading

Hoosiers quotes

  • Coach Norman Dale: What's gotten into you?

    Strap Purl: The Lord, I can feel his strength.

    Coach Norman Dale: Well keep your strength in the dribble, alright?

  • Coach Norman Dale: [the team is riding on Preacher Purl's bus to the next game] How'd your father get this job?

    Strap Purl: It's our bus.

    Coach Norman Dale: Ohhh... it doesn't look like a preacher's bus.

    Strap Purl: Well, after sectionals are over, we paint it white for the summer tent shows. Then, we paint it back to red. Pastor's revelation.

    Strap Purl: [Coach Dale pauses, puzzled] God told him.

    Coach Norman Dale: Really? To paint the bus and drive the team?

    Strap Purl: Yeah.

    [Dale chuckles, but then sees that Strap is serious]