Homecoming: A Film by Beyoncé Comments

  • Chesley 2022-11-23 07:43:22

    More than the show!!! Sister Bi wants to show the world black culture and feminism on the platform of the music festival. It can only be said that the pattern is too big! ! From the first dance step after giving birth to getting back in shape, she is so strong! Four months of rehearsal! More than four months of creative ideas! God is...

  • Robb 2022-11-16 03:51:32

    If you want to fully understand Beyonce, you will be disappointed with this documentary. But if you want to know and listen to a full Beyonce Live Show, it's full...

  • Josue 2022-11-06 16:25:40

    Jaw-dropping, so...

  • Clay 2022-11-06 00:40:18

    The first person on earth to sing and...

  • Angela 2022-11-04 22:16:42

    In pop music, if Michael Jackson is the Michael Jordan of basketball, Beyonce is the equivalent of Kobe Bryant. Nobody dislikes Beyonce unless he's aesthetically...

  • Summer 2022-10-30 03:37:43

    The hemp figure is a fart, or my goddess, who is fleshy and...

  • Nicole 2022-10-18 02:40:15

    All kinds of "back to school" elements of American aesthetics, I still think her team is amazing, especially starting from Lemonade, she can package her music itself, which is not politically strong, into the voice of the era such as race and feminism. [Actually, I prefer the pure concert...

  • Dejuan 2022-10-13 21:32:16

    The spiritual core conveyed by the concert, the powerful performance of Biju, and the sincerity of all the staff recorded by the camera are impeccable in every aspect. The talented Biju shows the world that the unparalleled talent also needs the support of strong willpower to have the opportunity to go to the...

  • Jaylen 2022-10-12 22:04:27

    The dancers were amazing. The strength is so...

  • Dane 2022-10-11 00:11:23

    You are so beautiful, you are so energetic... After reading it, I think Beyonce is the real eighth wonder of the world...