Home Alone Comments

  • Michaela 2022-12-28 04:06:32

    Macaulay Culkin, a small shooting...

  • Birdie 2022-12-23 12:11:33

    I loved to watch it when I was a child, just rightfully smashed things, played pranks, and was praised by...

  • Tamara 2022-11-28 19:45:39

    Kevin, the youngest member of a large family, was unexpectedly left at home alone when his family flew to Paris to celebrate Christmas, and to complicate matters, Kevin's home unfortunately became The target of a pair of thieves, the kid Kevin tried his best to resist the two gangsters, he did not hesitate to turn the world upside down, triggering a series of exciting and laughable...

  • Dahlia 2022-11-13 04:28:34

    The cute little Zhengtai back then,...

  • Branson 2022-09-26 08:48:00

    Rewatched on 2012.11.24, haven't rewatched it for many years...

  • Jamil 2022-09-20 10:30:23

    At 0 hours, I don't like Maisheng. Like to know a Chinese name: McGorley...

  • Brady 2022-09-17 01:57:17

    One of the few movies in America that I don't...

  • Mina 2022-08-20 21:18:05

    hahaha a great christmas...

  • Kirk 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    If you want to laughing, this movie can make you smile, so cute...

  • Judy 2022-04-24 07:01:01

    What did you say? Can not remember. This is the popcorn...

Extended Reading

Home Alone quotes

  • Buzz McCallister: Hey, Kev. It's pretty cool you didn't burn the place down.

    Kevin McCallister: Thanks, Buzz.

  • Marv: [Marv has just stepped on a couple of ornaments laid out by Kevin; screams angerily] I'M GONNA KILL THAT KID!