Hold the Dark Comments

  • Cleve 2023-05-04 21:20:22

    The shot is too obscure, so you have to look carefully and seriously. Have to think about...

  • Drake 2023-04-08 03:09:30

    I am a wolf! I have rules, I am the law of the jungle! Killing innocent people in the name of aliens with animalistic concepts! This Nima's three views are not fair and correct? ! But the crazy shooting with the M60 was quite...

  • Lucas 2023-04-07 22:43:41

    "O unteachably after evil, but uttering truth." "Do you have any idea what's out those windows? Just how deep it goes? How black it gets? How that black gets into you." Sinking Cruel Things / The temperament and literary color are...

  • D'angelo 2023-04-07 08:37:07

    Let go of that big E and let me do...

  • Laverna 2023-04-06 22:14:18

    【D-】Samsung or above is an absolute trust. There are so many bugs, if you are wearing a domestic coat, you will be forced to...

  • Savanna 2023-03-29 23:51:04

    Only ten minutes to watch the whole...

  • Serenity 2023-03-28 19:38:56

    Right and wrong. If the military enlistment story is added with a historical fact flag, it's five...

  • Mariano 2023-03-26 10:18:51

    After watching for two hours, I can’t understand what I’m talking about. Gunfight is...

  • Bert 2023-03-19 06:35:17

    If you watch this film for a demand that you really want to get results, the film as a whole will make people uncomfortable. You can look at it from a different perspective. When you don’t experience yourself as a “protagonist”, but as every passer-by in the film, would be more...

  • Gennaro 2023-03-19 03:47:22

    The overall tone of this film reminds me of "Wind River Valley". The director wants to talk a lot, but he is willing to reveal too little. It would be better if there were more emotional coherence of the main...

Extended Reading

Hold the Dark quotes

  • Cheeon: When we're killed, the past is killed. When kids are killed... that's different. When kids are killed, the future dies. There's no life without a future.

  • Cheeon: [trapped by policeman] You stopped that phone call for today, guy. Phone call to your wife. But it's coming, ain't it? The call. It's always coming.

Hold the Dark

Director: Jeremy Saulnier

Language: English Release date: September 28, 2018