Hitchcock/Truffaut Comments

  • Dock 2023-05-05 13:40:40

    Truffaut and many other directors tell you how awesome Xi Fat...

  • Dominique 2023-04-27 16:07:04

    I can't understand the French part, but it's a blessing to listen to Xi Pang himself talking about the movie. His insight into the structure of visual images is great, and of course, there are also various famous directors including Chu Fu. Fat, and finally said that Chu Fu died early and was deeply...

  • Westley 2023-04-12 06:37:06

    The identity of the craftsman or the artist is entangled, the most unsuccessful narrative and the most successful poetry, the mutual appreciation and understanding of two different generations with different creative ideas, and the nonsense of a group of junior directors, it is very...

  • Jeff 2023-04-10 21:33:01

    An artist who writes on camera without...

  • Charlie 2023-04-09 05:46:40

    After reading a comment, I really felt what Kurosawa Kiyoshi was talking about. All other directors are deconstructing, but he is in the dark. The connection between the directors is so delicate, they appreciate each other and can give each other valuable advice. The master just has his own method, and after getting praise, everyone starts to think about the work. But some are really good. He just does it himself. Everyone is the...

  • Braulio 2023-03-27 21:48:13

    Finally, I started to sigh when I saw the group photo of the two people in their classic...

  • Jaida 2023-03-20 18:08:35

    The photo of the two directed by Hitchcock is too...

  • Lane 2023-03-20 17:49:47

    A daydream that everyone can do, but only a few make it a...

  • Reanna 2023-03-13 00:54:56

    As a fan of Hitchcock, it is still very enjoyable to watch, especially the part that gave the most time to talk about Vertigo and Psycho, and I am...

  • Clark 2023-03-07 01:23:40

    Since I took medicine for depression, I rarely have such a strong movie-obsessed mentality, but when I saw this documentary in the archives, I still had a kind of tearful moving, a kind of emotional depression in my chest, stuffy. The trouble of being an artist or an artist is really distressing. It's hard to stay enthusiastic, and I'm envious of their long-standing passion for...

Extended Reading
  • Lexus 2022-05-09 17:16:29

    Everyone's daydream

    "The Fright" and "The Ecstasy" (Dear Chinese translators, can you understand how difficult it is for those who do not understand English to distinguish Xi Pang's various "memory"!) It is always worthy of greatness Book special book. When I was just an adult, I was sitting in a large general...

  • Felipe 2022-05-09 18:33:13

    Different from book title

    The opening of the sect is not necessarily clear. The documentary is called Hitchcock and Truffau, but it is not a documentary of these two people, but interviews with many famous artists. The interview format was quite casual and relaxed, and the film review materials were mixed with the...

Hitchcock/Truffaut quotes

  • Alfred Hitchcock: [Discussing "Psycho"] It was necessary to make the robbery and what happened to the girl, purposely on the long side, to get an audience absorbed with her plight. Where I slowed up was when I came to the scenes that indicated time and trouble.

  • Martin Scorsese: [Discussing "Psycho"] The best scenes for me are, one's he must have spent time on, the driving shots. You had to spend time on those, particularly the points of view, somehow. And the framing of Janet Leigh in the center of the frame with the top of the steering wheel in the bottom of the frame. Because, you can make a choice. You can go above the steering wheel, you know, or you can go further out. But, then, maybe you won't see her eyes as well. That's like the perfect size. The scene with the policeman, of course, the framing of him staring into the car, yes, we know, with the glasses, he's scary. But, there is something about the restraint of those frames. You see, the more you restrain, the better it is when the explosion happens. And on the way to the explosion there are these meditative states. Driving. And there's a sense of movement ahead, movement ahead.