Hindi Medium Comments

  • Ned 2022-03-10 08:01:23

    The subject matter is very bold, criticizing India's education system and class solidification. Indians are divided into three grades in the movie, the children of the upper class will be the upper class, the children of the middle class will be the middle class, and the children of the lower class will be the lower class. In my country, if you want to study at a domestic university, you must take the college entrance examination, which is relatively fair. Although the college entrance...

  • Lorine 2022-03-10 08:01:23

    When my father came onto the stage and began to rhetoric, he must have felt very sublime. Wearing the glory of justice, he tried to return the prestigious school qualifications deprived from the poor to the original owners. From beginning to end, no one asked her daughter how she felt. Children go to prestigious schools to satisfy their vanity to integrate into the upper circles, and to go to the public sector comforts their torture of conscience. The president of the grammar school is the most...

  • Eric 2022-03-10 08:01:23

    I don't like values ​​and endings, whether I go to an aristocratic school or a public school, my parents are actually treating their children as playthings. Even if you lobby and preach, only the characters and only the protagonist will be changed. Life is still crowded with good schools, and public schools and poor people are not necessarily so...

Extended Reading

Hindi Medium quotes

  • Raj Batra: My life is Hindi but my wife is English.