Hidden Figures Comments

  • Carleton 2022-03-24 09:01:35

    The equal rights that we are now accustomed to are not achieved by shouting slogans and rhythms of bitterness and hatred, but by countless excellent people, by proving their worth without being humble or arrogant, by persevering in doing the right thing, using hard work and achievement. The plot is too ideal and the plot is bland, but silently but powerfully tells a politically correct...

  • Martina 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    It's one of the better movies in the "Black Equal Rights" series that I've seen...

  • Martina 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Black female scientists at NASA can't share the same bathroom as white people and have to go to a segregated colored bathroom, which is less than 60 years old. All opportunities and rights in front of the Minority group are not taken for granted, and striving for excellence is the best way to win...

  • Geraldine 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Without taking the line of bitterness and hatred, with a refreshing and lively rhythm, and a loud attitude, the screenwriter is confident enough, but it is difficult to shake the reality of America's division. This is the real American dream. Diligence, progress, no matter how hard and no matter how tired you are, you will be...

  • Adah 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    "I can't change my skin color, I can only be the first person." Flicking the routine of the equal rights movie, the depiction of several super brains focuses on diligence and forbearance, and it can also create a contagious image without being rude or black. characters. This film does not need the protection of "political correctness" at all, and it deserves three Oscar nominations (accompanied by...

  • Thurman 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    An unconventional inspirational biopic. There is no fierce conflict and resistance, but it is precisely the details such as going to the toilet that can best reflect all kinds of discrimination in reality. The three female lead roles are very good, and the two husbands are also great. And just when you think Jim Parsons can't annoy you...

  • Summer 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    2017.1.13 The school gave tickets to watch for free. Dakar is because of female scientists. It was just before MLKday. With the sensitivity of racial issues now, it's really hard to imagine that in the 1960s -- 50 years ago, it was still such an extreme opposite. The ability of the three people is really like those powerful professors that I have seen many times, they are extremely smart and extremely hard. There was applause from the audience at the end, the rhythm was just right, and the ratio

  • Mitchell 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    Pretty even, nothing...

  • Cathryn 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    78/100 A shrewd biographical film, the point is, it's full of flowers, and it has a reliable script. This type of film is usually very popular. The protagonist seems to be inconspicuous, but in fact has the extraordinary ability to shock four people, which is in line with us. Everyday fantasy of ordinary people. Henson would have no trouble playing this likable, independent black...

  • Corene 2022-03-23 09:01:38

    There are so many "boring scientist movies", it's nice to see this one. After reading the book of the same name, I couldn't calm down for a long time, but in the end, the slightly uneventful adaptation was not enough. But this is not enough to be a point of criticism: like ABC's "The Astronaut's Wife", looking back and cherishing the role and power of every woman and ordinary people in the turning point of history, it is not a big love, but it definitely makes me In awe of these lovely,...

Extended Reading

Hidden Figures quotes

  • Mary Jackson: We go from being our father's daughters, to our husband's wives to our babies' mothers...

  • Katherine Johnson: How can you be possibly ogling these white men?

    Mary Jackson: It's equal rights. I have the right to see fine in every color