Hidden Figures Comments

  • Chaz 2021-11-26 08:01:25

    What makes me feel the deepest about this film is not the racial discrimination faced by black mathematicians, but the vast majority of ordinary white people not only turn a blind eye to racial discrimination, but oppress others spontaneously and voluntarily. Except for a few whites, no one offered a helping hand to these black women, not even smiling faces. Racial oppression is the responsibility of the entire nation and society, not just the responsibility of a few in power or the state...

  • Tomas 2021-11-26 08:01:25

    In the launch room, among a group of white men wearing white shirts, Catherine's black skin and red skirt became the most dazzling...

  • Joanie 2021-11-26 08:01:25

    I see people who forget to sleep and eat for the sake of dignity and pride, with smiles on their faces. Their struggle to cross the fence and push them to the fence has changed the course of their lives. They are hidden behind the historical glory of a country. The bright light lasts forever....

  • Paris 2021-11-26 08:01:25

    Five stars does not mean the best, just because we still need such a movie. Surprisingly bright and cheerful. Knowing that the main theme is deliberately sensational, but still uncontrollably moved. It is incredible to see that human beings have been isolated and distinguished because of their different skin colors. At this time, how many natural inequalities we still have waiting for the incredible future? I cannot change my skin color, so I have no choice but to be the first person in...

  • Frank 2021-11-26 08:01:25

    Someone in "The Imitation Game" said that Turing's contribution has nothing to do with homosexuality. Yes, just like the contributions of the three outstanding black female scientists in "Hidden People" have nothing to do with gender and skin color. so what? But it is these people who let those mortals who have in hindsight changed their prejudice and...

  • Jamison 2021-11-26 08:01:25

    After watching, there is an urge to go to work...

Extended Reading

Hidden Figures quotes

  • Mary Jackson: We go from being our father's daughters, to our husband's wives to our babies' mothers...

  • Katherine Johnson: How can you be possibly ogling these white men?

    Mary Jackson: It's equal rights. I have the right to see fine in every color