He's Just Not That Into You Comments

  • Anastasia 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    First of all, the movie is very good, and Scarlett Johansson is really suitable to play the third child. But I just don't understand why these women are so stupid and disgusting? It's just a man - you don't even know him, how can you be so concerned about gains and losses! If it's not suitable, change it, there are more men than cheesecakes in the world! Most of the suffering of women in this world is imagined because they enjoy...

  • Chadrick 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    Those who liked GiGi and Alex the most, this one doesn't do anything for you. . Do you think there are a few alex in reality who will wake up and come back to you instead of thinking you are stupid and unreasonable? GIGi stumbled all the way, like how ridiculously horny and horny I've always been before! After watching the movie, I'm no longer a gigi, and of course I don't have the money to be like Anna, at least I'll live like Beth in the future, stop deceiving myself and make myself...

  • Claudine 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    If a man really loves you, he will marry you. The world is the most common practice, don't always imagine that you are a special...

  • Pearl 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    Every time this kind of movie makes people destroy the simple fantasy of love!!! The ending is still happy. Neil and alex really made me cry. Women will always have their own fantasy, because they will think more about it. Then girlfriends will always tell you that he loves you, but in fact they just want to comfort you ah ah ah...

  • Albertha 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    Reluctantly, I admit that these are the...

  • Federico 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    After watching this film, I said that I don't want to fall in love, men are big liars who are...

  • Antonio 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    When the man who claimed to be married got into the car, he smiled ambiguously at the other man in the car: Hmm, I was just talking to a girl, haha~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I thought You two have...

  • Llewellyn 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    The energy invested in the affairs of men and women can learn several...

  • Providenci 2022-03-23 09:01:47

    Only Jen&Ben is a little touching, the rest are clichés and quite...

  • Alden 2022-03-22 09:01:41

    I like ALEX and...

Extended Reading

He's Just Not That Into You quotes

  • Gigi: [Answering machine answers, Gigi's voice:] Or call my cell, or try me at work but definitely leave a message here first. Thanks!

    Alex: Hey, Gigi. It's Alex, um, how's it going?

    [He starts to pace]

    Alex: Uh, just wondering how you're doing. I haven't talked to you in a little while and, uh, just wondering how you're doing.

    [He sits on the couch]

    Alex: So... I was hoping to talk to you... obviously. But you're out, I guess. So, just call me some time. Or tonight, uh, in around... uh, I'll be in around... that's, that's... not... now. It's Alex. Okay.

    [He hangs up the phone]

    Tyrone: Dude.

    Alex: [He looks down] I know.

  • Neil: So, we're not getting married but I have to get rid of my pants?