He's Just Not That Into You Comments

  • Margarita 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    Scarlett has a great figure, and women are also fascinated. I think a person can feel whether he really loves you or not. If he really loves you, he will go to you immediately, he will have endless things to say to you, and he will really care about you. If he doesn't contact you and isn't enthusiastic about you, don't make excuses for him, he really doesn't like...

  • Nat 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    Watch in high school. Even when I see this title, I still just want to say..."So what?" So I really don't grow...

  • Rudy 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    Three and a half stars; includes a variety of common love models, some sober understanding, strong sense of design, stringing people into a circle, all sentient beings are nothing but these careful thoughts; I like GiGi and Alex the most, the golden sentence is repeated , it still makes sense; the second half is weak and goes straight to the sweet and greasy...

  • Isabell 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    Don't pretend to be a special...

  • Nickolas 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    Love is what you cannot force yourself to accept. Love is what you cannot get through effort. It is about luck and...

  • Cindy 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    When a guy doesn't love you enough, even if he thinks he loves you very much, as long as you don't feel right, there must be something wrong with the relationship and you didn't run away. A boy who loves you to the bone is very different from a boy who loves you at an ordinary level. I testify from my own...

  • Vito 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    Fortunately, it's a happy...

  • Laurianne 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    Movies are not as good as books. Women are brainwashed to be passive in their relationships, and the understanding that they have been instilled in the signals given by men is wrong. It is recommended to look for a...

  • Bobbie 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    He didn't lose your number, he wasn't on a business trip, he wasn't busy, he didn't call you, he didn't ask you to meet, he just didn't want to see you. But even if you hit a wall, even if you are disgraced, even if you have been self-motivated, don't give up hope, that's...

  • Jayme 2022-03-24 09:01:42

    When love has an excuse, it means that he really doesn't like you that much. Since he doesn't like you that much, you have to like yourself even...

Extended Reading

He's Just Not That Into You quotes

  • Gigi: [Answering machine answers, Gigi's voice:] Or call my cell, or try me at work but definitely leave a message here first. Thanks!

    Alex: Hey, Gigi. It's Alex, um, how's it going?

    [He starts to pace]

    Alex: Uh, just wondering how you're doing. I haven't talked to you in a little while and, uh, just wondering how you're doing.

    [He sits on the couch]

    Alex: So... I was hoping to talk to you... obviously. But you're out, I guess. So, just call me some time. Or tonight, uh, in around... uh, I'll be in around... that's, that's... not... now. It's Alex. Okay.

    [He hangs up the phone]

    Tyrone: Dude.

    Alex: [He looks down] I know.

  • Neil: So, we're not getting married but I have to get rid of my pants?