Henry's Crime Comments

  • Marcelino 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Keanu Reeves has grown into a vicissitudes of old...

  • Garry 2022-03-19 09:01:07

    Want to make the feeling of black comedy, but the plot is not compact, Keanu Reeves also has a literary and artistic expression, which makes people look without ups and...

  • Letitia 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    It's pretty awesome, and the final confession in the drama is quite...

  • Lottie 2022-03-18 09:01:06

    32-day filming cycle, low-cost production, but I like the tone of this...

  • Sister 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    At first you will think that Keanu Reeves played a middle-aged man who was dumb and lacking passion and brain was empty, but soon you will discover that it is not acting, but that he is really just like that. His acting skills and expressions remain unchanged. Extremely monotonous. Of course, this little film is still so good-looking, the fundamental reason lies in the always reassuring James Cann, and the fascinating lifeless Vera...

  • Else 2022-03-17 09:01:07

    See also films that are adapted from famous repertoires and have similar realities in the play. Keanu is too happy, most of the roles have the same acting style, so adding a beard seems to have a lot of acting skills~ A lot of places laugh at me~ Farmiga is interesting, it is rare to play such a self-disciplined...

  • Rasheed 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    I was fooled twice recently. Watching "Destiny Planning Bureau", I thought it was an SCI-FI film, but it turned out to be a romantic film. Watching "The Crimes of Henry", I thought it was a crime movie, but it turned out to be a romantic movie! Do romantic movies have to be packaged into something else...

  • Lavada 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    This is a story looking for a sense of existence. The ending credits are too...

  • Armani 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    I have always been very close to Keanu because he has 1/4 Chinese ancestry. Not only his appearance, his tranquility and internal show are also very similar to ancient Chinese scholars. I love him, even if he sleeps with such an ugly and hysterical woman. , I love him...

  • Assunta 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    I was taken aback and changed myself due to revenge and love to return to...

Extended Reading

Henry's Crime quotes

  • Henry Torne: [reading from the book] l just want your wonderful, tender eyes to look at me like they did then

    Julie: Say it without the book now.

    Henry Torne: l just want your wonderful, tender eyes to look at me like they did then.

    Julie: Oh, I'm so glad I ran you over.

    Henry Torne: Me too.

  • Julie: What were you in prison for, Max?

    Max: I was a confidence man.

    Julie: You mean a con man?

    Max: I um... l don't like that word. Er, "confidence" is a little more elegant. "Confidence" comes from the Greek "fides", meaning faith and belief.

    Julie: Greek? I thought it was Latin.

    Max: Well, yes, it is... it is now.

    Julie: So, essentially, you make people feel good and then you rip 'em off?

    Max: Yes. But I was always a little better at the feeling good part than I was with the ripping off part, hence jail

Henry's Crime

Director: Malcolm Venville

Language: English Release date: January 14, 2011