Hannah Arendt Comments

  • Ruthe 2022-03-21 09:03:09

    1. Conscious pariahs - banal evil and "wind of thinking"; 2. The last 8 minutes of public speeches are really exciting; 3. Fascinated by Hannah...

  • Krystina 2022-03-21 09:03:09

    Four years ago, I marked the wish to see it, and the reason has long been silent in the sea of ​​memory, but the time it was in was quite special, and it brought back many memories. The archives have arranged films many times and missed many times. Today is finally complete. The film is boneless, especially loose, and lacks the inherent logical structure of a good work of ordinary visible expression of ideas - the structure of the thinker, or the structure of the director. Looking at the...

  • Gaylord 2022-03-20 09:02:45

    Evil is extreme and not thorough, evil is mediocre. Only goodness is thorough and deep. But people have been dazzled by emotions and lost their reason. Or is it impossible for them to think about philosophy? After "The Philosopher in the Novel", I think it's time to start thinking about the issue of writing "The Philosopher in the Movie". Thinking and life are the eternal mission of a writer. The two are originally one, even if they bear the burden of...

  • Angus 2022-03-20 09:02:45

    The story is simple and clear, combined with the historical video data of Eichmann's trial, making Arendt's philosophical speculation that might have been difficult to understand much easier to understand. Even I hope she can talk more, or quarrel with others more... In fact, Arendt’s story should be more meaningful to us. When can we talk about Japan like...

  • Alysa 2022-03-20 09:02:45

    "Evil cannot be both ordinary and profound. It is either ordinary but universal or extreme but...

  • Joesph 2022-03-20 09:02:45

    Thinkers, those who do not presuppose their independent opinions, how difficult it is to become the consensus of the public, even in their circle of friends, the intellectuals are the...

  • Irma 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    4.5. Applause, think, read, think. I have a general idea of ​​what book to read this...

  • Bartholome 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    The mediocre evil is really a good topic. The director intercepted the most dramatic and intense part of Hannah's life, so I didn't feel bored at all. The courage to think independently and express true thoughts. It suits us too well. The trial period is also a wonderful way to face the real image, which makes the audience's sight equal to Hannah. At the same time, it also emphasized the director's attitude that this kind of thing and that person cannot and should not be played. It should only...

  • Hubert 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    Rating: C+ mediocre evil, mediocre...

  • Winona 2022-03-19 09:01:08

    Truth is not afraid of what is pointed out by thousands of people, and mediocrity is evil and...

Extended Reading

Hannah Arendt quotes

  • Hannah Arendt: He considered himself an obedient servant of Germany who had to obey the Fuhrer's orders. "My loyalty is my honor." The Fuhrer's orders became the law. He didn't feel guilty in the sense of the indictment. He behaved according to the law.

    Hans Jonas: Hannah, it's been proven that Eichmann pursued the Final Solution even after Himmler had long since forbidden it. And why? He wanted to finish *his* work.

    Heinrich Blücher: Don't you see that every law, every commandment was turned upside down. It was not "Thou shalt not kill," but "Thou must kill." To do your duty, goodness was a temptation you had to resist.

    Hans Jonas: Great. So no one is responsible or guilty. Every sane person knows murder is wrong.

  • Mary McCarthy: Oh, Hemmingway was just an ambulance driver. Thomas, as a writer he was nothing more than the premature ejaculator of the 20th Century.

    Thomas Miller: Oh, you just hate him because he wrote like a real man.

Hannah Arendt

Director: Margarethe von Trotta

Language: German,English,French,Hebrew,Latin Release date: January 10, 2013