Hannah Arendt Comments

  • Zion 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Want to listen to Arendt's...

  • Eriberto 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Miss the train and miss the first 40 minutes. As soon as she entered the theater, Hannah began to act coquettishly and begged for a hug, "I dare not disturb the philosopher's thinking", "Without a kiss, a philosopher cannot think." Afterwards, with the thought of kissing, the film is quite compact and exciting Thought gives the story, and through the disputes outside the Aikman trial (in the United States), the "banal evil" is slowly brought...

  • Letitia 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Very good, written almost entirely based on the biography and the trial at the time, with plenty of quotes from the original book, and the long speech at the end is no worse than the one in...

  • Natalia 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Evil banality. Barbara Sukowa, who plays Hannah Arendt, has a strong...

  • Corene 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Every individual who participates in totalitarianism is not a heinous person, but they give up thinking and go with the flow, and obey for fear and profit. Essentially, the assholes licking the "Chinese Dream", "no politics today" and this raccoon...

  • Teresa 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Watched in the cold wind of Weimar train...

  • Boris 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    I think the best is photography, acting and drama next. The husband's face is a little vague, and Heidegger is even more rigid; it is not easy to clean up the play like this, but it still entangles "victim complicity" and "banal evil". The most successful way to rant about Americans is that they don't understand Greek? go to study. Four stars are supporting such rigorous and serious films with both hands and feet! Gravity of...

  • Cordelia 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Maybe it's because of the source of the film, the soundtrack always feels weird, mediocrity is evil, and even those unthinking vegetative people feel that good and evil are not opposed to each other. This film is very good. It doesn't steal the show. What is evil? I think imposing it is the germination of evil. . I make such an arbitrary decision, a rethinking of thinking....

  • Marlon 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    Hannah Arendt has a storied life, but as one of the greatest female thinkers of the twentieth century, her biopics are not easy to make. The film takes a storm in Arendt's later years as the entry point, and takes this as the main line, supplemented by several points of her life in Germany, which basically outlines Hannah Arendt's personality and ideological portrait. Not boring, the general audience should also be able to accept...

  • Elza 2022-03-28 09:01:12

    I always thought that the young man who was sitting beside young Arendt in Shanghai Degel's class was always looking at Arendt. The young man who didn't talk much was...

Extended Reading

Hannah Arendt quotes

  • Hannah Arendt: He considered himself an obedient servant of Germany who had to obey the Fuhrer's orders. "My loyalty is my honor." The Fuhrer's orders became the law. He didn't feel guilty in the sense of the indictment. He behaved according to the law.

    Hans Jonas: Hannah, it's been proven that Eichmann pursued the Final Solution even after Himmler had long since forbidden it. And why? He wanted to finish *his* work.

    Heinrich Blücher: Don't you see that every law, every commandment was turned upside down. It was not "Thou shalt not kill," but "Thou must kill." To do your duty, goodness was a temptation you had to resist.

    Hans Jonas: Great. So no one is responsible or guilty. Every sane person knows murder is wrong.

  • Mary McCarthy: Oh, Hemmingway was just an ambulance driver. Thomas, as a writer he was nothing more than the premature ejaculator of the 20th Century.

    Thomas Miller: Oh, you just hate him because he wrote like a real man.

Hannah Arendt

Director: Margarethe von Trotta

Language: German,English,French,Hebrew,Latin Release date: January 10, 2013