Gunpowder Milkshake Comments

  • Grady 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    It's really to watch a movie watched by Nebula. With the exception of Nebula, all the actresses played well, especially Michelle Yeoh, with a perfect combination of costumes, hairstyles, and movements. Unfortunately, the laugh is awkward, and the rhythm is deliberately loose. The setting may be interesting, but the plot is too boring, so I didn't intend to be logical. In this way, in terms of rhythm, the director intends to return to the Western movie and prolong the tension before the opening...

  • Aurore 2022-03-16 09:01:06

    Laoyou subtitle group lite Chinese translation, Charlie’s middle-aged and elderly angel killer academy ace female...

  • Humberto 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    Different backgrounds and stages, but in a "sa" style to build a team for the audience familiar (or standing in the circle) actresses; because it is not limited to the cold or serious action scenes, it has a lot of extra mix. The humor, the heroine-like imagination of super-British heroes...As the protagonist, Karen Gillan's magical temperament quickly brought the presentation to a very interesting track, with a unique style. Of course, the meaning of femininity quickly became superficial soon...

  • Alexzander 2022-03-15 09:01:06

    Ideologically push female boxing... bad review. The bloody level of the fighting is exploding, and the slow motion fighting footage is the highlight. 3.5 star popcorn...

  • Joesph 2022-03-14 14:12:27

    After watching "Cold City" and "Anna" that year, I also sighed that Hollywood's film industry was so horrible that it already had the ability to batch various actresses into hit girls. The recent "Black Widow" and "Gunpowder Milkshake" corrected my thinking. In addition to the strong foundation of the film industry, the production intentions and the personal efforts of the actors are also very important. Just like this one, it can really be called a fist embroidered leg, even the cracked coke...

  • Winifred 2022-01-16 08:02:12

    I thought it was a female version of "John Wick", but the gap was a bit big... the first half of the sand sculpture was funny, like a large-scale live-action cartoon comedy. In the second half of the journey, the emotions are delicate, and the violence reveals gracefulness, a bit of "Deadly Woman". The pictures and colors have a retro neon beauty. The action is the passing level of the Hollywood assembly line. The rhythm is slightly slower. Only at the end did I realize that the men here are...

  • Nedra 2022-01-16 08:02:12

    The theme of girls help girls is actually pretty good, and it’s pretty zzzq, but it’s a pity that it turned out to be the story of a killer counterattack of Puxin Girl. From beginning to end, it was endless slow motion with music, and it just stretched the two hours of boring time into endless torture. . I don’t want to call him an imitation of john wick in the story. It’s just plagiarism, and it’s a mess, creating the same killer organization, and similar rules, as well as the conflict between...

  • Lola 2022-01-16 08:02:12

    6.5/10. All-skinned women stood up, rolled up their sleeves and picked up their guns, killing the men suddenly! It’s quite pleasant to watch, the brainless female cool film, thinking of "Birds of Prey and Harley Quinn". It really proves the old saying "knowledge is power" that there are guns hidden in the library books. The kid drives the cart, Charlie's old angel. The disadvantage is that the level of blood is not enough, and the famous scene is not available. You can come to a high-burning...

  • Tyrel 2022-01-16 08:02:12

    Okay, it turns out that Nebula was paralyzed in the reunion not because the family was killed and he had to be a killer for his enemy Thanos or the role of mechanical transformation, but the actor himself was paralyzed. As an action movie, is there no action guidance at all? Playing better than the elderly rehabilitation group of "Loki", making the music of over the top and the slow motion of Bizha's feet wrapped in a lot of scenes. waste of...

Extended Reading

Gunpowder Milkshake quotes

  • [first lines]

    Sam: [narrating] There's a group of men called The Firm. They've been running things for a long, long time. And when they need someone to cleanup their mess, they send me.

  • Scarlet: There's no more standing on the sidelines. We all need to pick a side.